bayeux4netty suggestions

Bob McWhirter bmcwhirt at
Tue Sep 1 20:44:32 EDT 2009

>> I'd ultimately like a router.send(PublishRequest r) or
>> router.send(BayeuxData m), plus a List<X> form of those.
> Would PublishRequest... and BayeuxData... (varargs) also be useful?

I think List<X> suffices for my immediate use-case.

> Another thing Bob and I discussed about naming was receiveToQueue()  
> and
> sendToQueue() in BayeuxConnection.  Perhaps they could be renamed to
> something more comprehensive, like offerUpstreamEvent() and
> offerDownstreamEvent() for example.  I guess we need some
> brainstorming, Bob and Danny?

I'm a tad too ignorant to chime in just yet.


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