BayeuxRouter Injection Need for Bayeux4Netty

Dai Jun guiwuu at
Wed Sep 2 04:05:26 EDT 2009

Hi all,

I am sorry to intercept you by this. I copy Bob, Trustin and I's chat
of  BayeuxRouter injection here to have further discussion. And I am
looking forward to your suggesions. Thanks.

On Wed, 2 Sep 2009 07:09:11 +0900 (KST) Bob McWhirter
<bmcwhirt at> wrote:
>> I'd also like to not rely on the singleton
>> BayeuxRouter.getInstance(), but other code seems to assume that's how
>> we get it.  I'd like to be able to inject a router to be used by
>> BayeuxDecoder and BayeuxConnection.
>> We could instead inject a BayeuxRouter instance into BayeuxDecoder,
>> which passes it along to BayeuxConnection.  All avoiding
>> getInstance()'s singleton, and allowing for multi-application
>> isolation.

On Wed, Sep 2, 2009 at 8:02 AM, 이희승<trustin at> wrote:
> +1

+1, too. I was thinking about this problem recently. The current
singleton model is not enough in real server cases. With injection, we
can manage router in AS. But I am not familiar with injection. I have
to postpone it to next next update. If you or anybody else know about
it, we can speed it up. I'd love to discuss with it in another new

Best regards,

Dai Jun or Danny Dai(in English) -
GTalk: guiwuu at | QQ: 93409048 | MSN: guiwuu at |
Twitter: @guiwuu
Sent from Beijing, 11, China
Charles de Gaulle  - "The better I get to know men, the more I find
myself loving dogs." -

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