Netty 3.1.4.GA released:

Trustin Lee (이희승) trustin at
Mon Sep 28 05:53:46 EDT 2009

Hi folks,

Netty 3.1.4.GA, another bug fix release in the 3.1 branch, has been released.

The Netty project is an effort to provide an asynchronous,
event-driven network application framework and tools for rapid
development of maintainable, high-performance, high-scalability
protocol servers and clients.

In other words, Netty is a NIO client server framework that enables
quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol
servers and clients. It simplifies and streamlines network programming
such as TCP and UDP socket servers.

Please visit our web site to download it:


As always, your feed back is more than appreciated.  Please visit the
discussion forum and leave some comments and questions:


Alternatively, please follow us at Twitter and send a message:


Fixed Bugs
This release is purely a bug fix release.  The following is the list
of the fixed bugs:

[NETTY-226] - IndexOutOfBoundsException on empty HTTP header value.
[NETTY-228] - Method "ChannelBuffers.wrappedBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)"
does not always honor ByteOrder
[NETTY-229] - CookieDecoder throws IllegalArgumentException if the day
of week string in 'expires' attribute is not abbreviated.
[NETTY-230] - 'bad handshake record MAC' error and
IndexOutOfBoundsException on SSL closure

Upcoming Releases
Unless there is a bug without workaround, I will proceed to the next
major feature release, 3.2.0.ALPHA1. It's great time to improve Netty
and become a part of the community by sharing your idea!  Please keep
us updated with any ideas for new features, bugs, design issues, API
usability feed back, and questions.

For the full changelog, please visit here:


Again, as always, your feed back is more than appreciated.  Please
visit the discussion forum and feel free to leave some comments and


Alternatively, please follow us at Twitter and send a message:



— Trustin Lee,

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