client authentication with revoked cert results in server no response.

Trustin Lee tlee at
Fri Apr 3 02:23:46 EDT 2009

Hi Neio,

On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 7:39 AM, Neio <pinghuican at> wrote:
> Hello Trustin,
> I am using the 3.1.0 Beta1. I have a problem for ssl connection negative cases.
> I am doing the client-authentication case, when the client sent in bad certficate (revoked certificate) for 4 times, for those 4 times, I got ssl connection fail at client side which is expected; Starging from 5th input message, my client just stuck since it doesn't get the reply back from the server anymore.
> In my Handler exceptionCaught() method, when exception happens, I did getChannel().close(). I saw for the first 4 messages, the code goes into this method. But from 5th on, it was not.
> I am using Windows XP 2002, service package 3. My CPU is Core2DUO T7700 at 2.40GHz 2.39GHz.
> Do you have any idea about it?

Did you find something useful in the full thread dump in client and
server?  Your application might have been stuck somewhere.  Please
post the full thread dump of the both side.

If you don't think this is the case where the full thread dump reveals
the cause of the problem, please attach small test application that
reproduces the problem.


— Trustin Lee,

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