is Netty is able to do UDP Broadcast ? (MulticastSocket)

Iain McGinniss iainmcgin at
Tue Aug 11 09:46:17 EDT 2009

I think you should be able to cover all cases using the  
OioDatagramChannelFactory, and if case 2 is unicast, you can do that  
using a NioDatagramChannelFactory. NioDatagramChannelFactory doesn't  
support multicast in 3.1.0 GA, this is listed as a limitation in the  


On 11 Aug 2009, at 14:38, Survivant 00 wrote:

> I'm looking to validate if Netty is able to do Broadcasting UDP.  I  
> looked other frameworks and JGroups can't do the job, Mina don't  
> plan that until 3.0 and Grizzly.. works in progress.
> Does Netty do that ?
> I have 3 cases.
> #1 - Send a UDP message using MulticastSocket and close the socket.
> #2 - Send a UDP message using DatagramSocket but wait for a response  
> (wait until TTL)
> #3 - Listen for UDP message using MulticastSocket (while(true))
> I want to migrate that to Netty, but I didn't find a sample for  
> that :(
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