ChannelSink.eventSunk() doesn't catch OPEN state with TRUE as value

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Tue Aug 11 22:58:28 EDT 2009

Hi Rafael,

On 08/12/2009 09:09 AM, Rafael Marins wrote:
> Hello Netties!
> I'm working on the development of an Common-ISDN-API (CAPI 2.0) transport
> for JBoss Netty. When implementing my IsdnChannelSink extending from
> AbstractChannelSink, and using the BootstrapClient to make the connection,
> the first events caught by the eventSunk() method have the following order
> of occurrence:
> 1st - BOUND with SocketAddress as value
> 2nd - CONNECTED with SocketAddress as value
> Shouldn't the correct behavior be catching the OPEN state with TRUE value
> first of all?

A Channel is supposed to be open when it is constructed.  If you take a
look into the source code of a Channel implementation, you will find
that it triggers a channelOpen event in its constructor.  Therefore,
there is no need to send OPEN(TRUE) downstream - it's open already and
hence no need to request it.

> Analyzing the BootstrapClient class I've identified that the Connector inner
> class is responsible for firing the connected event.

Actually ClientBootstrap.Connector simply forwards the channelConnected
event to your handler.  It's NioWorker.RegisterTask that initiates the


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