make LocalChannel part of the SocketChannel hierarchy?

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Sun Aug 16 21:37:04 EDT 2009

Hi Iain,

On 08/15/2009 10:05 PM, Iain McGinniss wrote:
> In my tests and code, I am often dealing with the SocketChannel  
> related interfaces rather than concrete types, and it makes it easier  
> for me to use mock objects (either hand written, or produced by  
> jMock). As I writer higher and higher level tests, the burden of  
> mocking increases, to the point where I'd actually really like  
> something that behaves like a real channel in every sense, but does  
> not necessarily use external resources that are difficult or time  
> consuming to clean up between test runs. LocalChannels would fit this  
> requirement nicely, but unfortunately they are not part of the class  
> hierarchy for the SocketChannel related types, despite the fact that  
> the LocalAddress objects that are used for addressing extend  
> SocketAddress.
> I think it would be quite trivial to make all the classes in question  
> useable in my test cases, by doing the following:
> 1. Make LocalChannel extend SocketChannel
> 2. Make LocalServerChannel extend ServerSocketChannel
> 3. Make LocalServerChannelFactory extend ServerSocketChannelFactory
> 4. Make LocalClientChannelFactory extend ClientSocketChannelFactory
> With these four changes, I believe the rest just falls into place, as  
> the LocalAddresses used are already subclasses of SocketChannel and so  
> the interfaces are compatible. This would then make it very easy for  
> me to test client-server interaction with worrying about available  
> ports on the test machine, and make setup / teardown very easy and fast.
> I can provide a patch for this, if others agree that this is a  
> desirable change?

I like the idea.  However, I'd like to maintain the backward
compatibility with the current API.  What do you think about writing a
new transport based on the current local transport under  As the local transport
implementation is pretty simple and unlikely to change, I think
copy-and-paste-and-modify is fine in this case.  LocalChannel could be
renamed to LocalSocketChannel and so on.

Your contributor agreement has been approved.  Please go ahead and file
a JIRA issue with a patch attached.  I'm looking forward to your
contribution actually! :)


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