Netty Handler for Strings and Things

Iain McGinniss iainmcgin at
Tue Aug 18 05:22:46 EDT 2009

Hi Mike,

No doubt you've stripped a lot of code out of what was attached below  
to make it easier to see what was going on, but just in case you  
hadn't: your code can be much more concisely expressed by extending  
SimpleChannelUpstreamHandler, as you weren't manipulating any of the  
downstream events and you only handle connected, disconnected and  
message reception on upstream.

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I've stripped it down to what I see as the minimum without changing  
any of the real code. Apologies if this was obvious to you and you  
were splitting out all of the events manually for reasons that were  
stripped out of your original code.


On 17 Aug 2009, at 23:48, Michael McGrady wrote:

> Trustin,
> Here is the central class to the functionality mentioned earlier.
> Mike

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