Closed TCP Channel (Netty 3.1.1GA)

Thomas Bocek bocek at
Thu Aug 20 14:08:24 EDT 2009


I'm having the following issue that once a while I get an exception due
to a ClosedChannelException. I made a test and this happens once per
every 10'000 connections or so and its very undeterministic. In the test
I open locally a connection, send data, wait for a reply, and close it.
Most of the time opening connection works, but in rare occasions it does

The exception gets set in:

NioWorker, 731:

if (localAddress == null || remoteAddress == null) {
  if (future != null) {
    future.setFailure(new ClosedChannelException());
  close(channel, succeededFuture(channel));

Here, localAddress is null, and remoteAddress is null. Before the future
is set, as far as I can see, NioClientSocketPipelineSink in line 146
calls register(...):

if (channel.socket.connect(remoteAddress)) {
  channel.worker.register(channel, future);
} else {
  channel.connectFuture = future;

The socket in the NioClientSocketChannel class says: bound=false,
closed=false, connected=false, created=false, and the selector is open
so I expect that boss.register(...) is called.

Here is the stacktrace:

Thread [New I/O client worker #1-2] (Suspended (breakpoint at line 299
in DefaultChannelFuture))	
	DefaultChannelFuture.setFailure(Throwable) line: 299	
	NioWorker$ line: 731	
	NioWorker.processRegisterTaskQueue() line: 260 line: 199 line: 113 line: 53	
	ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(Runnable) line: 886	
	ThreadPoolExecutor$ line: 908 line: 619

How and when is it safe to assume that a channel is connected and has a
local and remote address set?

I'm not sure if there is a mistake in my code (more likely) or in Netty.


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