Netty SSL Connection

Trustin Lee trustin at
Wed Feb 11 00:14:43 EST 2009

On Mon, Feb 9, 2009 at 1:14 AM, manish_iitg
<excellencetechnologies08 at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was able to easy set the basic ssl connection, through the example given.
> But i wanted to customize it a bit and don't know how to.
> Could you please tell me:
> 1. How to create a X.509 certificate and then convert it into byte data. As
> it has been done in the example (SecureChatKeyStore).

You can generate X.509 certificate using OpenSSL.  I converted it into
a byte array manually using regular expressions and ViM.  For more
information, google.

> 2. There are two unimplemented methods in the SecureChatTrustManagerFactory
> class i.e. checkClientTrusted and checkServerTrusted. An example of what
> could be done here.

I don't think this is a question specific to Netty.  Please consult
Javadoc and research about CRL.  You might want to use not-yet-commons
SSL for easier implementation:



— Trustin Lee,

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