HTTP server message followed by junk closes before reply

Trustin Lee tlee at
Thu Feb 12 12:44:49 EST 2009

On Fri, Feb 13, 2009 at 2:32 AM, Wade Poziombka <wpoziombka at> wrote:
> Wade Poziombka wrote:
>> The issue is that the HTTP codec notes decoding error before the reply for
>> the first valid message is sent.
> I guess I was not clear... the problem is that the channel is closed before
> the reply goes back.  It seems we should be able to defer the close.  The
> fact that the codec detected the error is not an issue.  The fact that it
> closes seems to be.

What about trying this?

ChannelFuture f = channel.write(lastResponse);

then the connection will be closed *after* the last response is sent.


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