understanding netty questions

Trustin Lee tlee at redhat.com
Sat May 9 00:44:15 EDT 2009

Hi Christian,

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 11:13 PM, Christian Migowski
<chrismfwrd at gmail.com> wrote:
> is it correct that if I want to write a fully "Netty-compliant"
> Handler that can be inserted at any position in a ChannelPipeline I do
> have to have a ctx.sendUpstream(e) or ctx.sendDownstream(e) as last
> instruction in my methods that are overriden from
> SimpleChannelHandler (e.g. messageReceived or channelClosed) ?


> If so, why isn't SimpleChannelHandler (and the single
> Up/DownstreamHandler variants) implemented so it always calls
> sendUp/Downstream after its long if/else decisions in the
> handleUp/Downstream methods?

It does call sendUpstream/Downstream at the last else block.  If a
specific event handler method is called, then it's up to the
overriding method to call sendUpstream/Downstream or not.

> I can understand that not always invoking
> the sendUp/Downstream method enables handlers to "cut" the processing
> in a pipeline, but is this really a useful feature (for what)?

A user should have control over when his handler logic is executed.
In most cases, handler logic will be executed before the event if
handled by next/previous handlers, but it might need to be executed
after the event is handled by next/previous handlers:

    public void channelOpen(...) {
        try {
        } finally {
            // Do something.

Also, the handlers related with security could swallow the events
silently to protect other handlers (ddos prevention, firewall, ...).

Plus, some handlers like SslHandler generates more than one events for
a received event.

To handle all these use cases, ctx.sendUpstream/Downstram() needs to
be called by an implementer explicitly IMHO.  I could have introduced
various variables and interfaces on a case-by-case basis (e.g.
PreprocessingHandler, PostprocessingHandler), but it is not very
scalable and the resulting API tends to look complicated.

> Also, the various "event methods" invoked from handleUp/Downstream in
> SimpleChannelHandler could be made abstract so most modern IDEs would
> generate your Handler-class with all possible "extension methods" if
> it extends SimpleChannelHandler and you wouldn't need to look in the
> Javadoc to lookup the method name for an event because they are quite
> obvious :)

Then you should not forget to call ctx.sendUpstream/Downstream() for
the event types that you are not interested in because IDE does not
know about forwarding events.  It is true that there's risk of omitted
ctx.sendUpstream/Downstream() call once a method is overridden, but
this is unfortunately inevitable as long as it is mandatory to call

Although API backward compatibility should be considered carefully,
please let me know if you have some idea to improve the API usability.
 I'd love to listen to your idea.


— Trustin Lee, http://gleamynode.net/

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