ChannelFuture of Channel.write() not finished...

Zhang Yuan zhangyuan_cau at
Thu Oct 15 08:59:30 EDT 2009

Dear All:

I find some thing confusing about ChannelFuture. It seems the future of Channel.write() is not done even after the message 
is received in another end of the channel.

I'm writing a proxy in which there is some code like:

ChannelFuture Send(Record record)//record from server
    ChannelFuture future = channel.write(record);//channel to client
    return future;

I find that the future returned here is never turned done even after the client's messageReceived() is called. 
Also, after await(5000) , the thread is not isDone()..

I am using Netty 3.0.2.  The channel is an nio acceptedSocketChannel. Do you have some suggestions about my question? 

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