Design question / getting reference to another handler - best practice

Peter Thomas ptrthomas at
Sun Oct 25 13:30:30 EDT 2009


My first message to this list, I'm in the middle of re-writing something
that currently uses Mina, Netty looks very nice indeed.

I have a client pipeline for e.g. (towards server): A --> B (assume they
handle both upstream / downstream)

B encodes / decodes using a "chunk size" that can be changed by a server

But the business logic of unpacking a "chunk size change" message is
responsibility of A.

I guess I have the following options of getting a reference to B and calling
a setter.

- initialize the pipeline so that A has a reference to B
- invent a new "internal" message and send it from A to B  (but extra
message clutter, downcast / if-then)
- call methods on ChannelPipeline to get a reference to B
- use a ChannelLocal or attachment (but seems to be handler specific)

Any advice on which of the above would be recommended / discouraged, would
be greatly appreciated, maybe there are more ways I have missed.


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