Announcing LittleProxy 0.1 based on Netty

Adam Fisk a at
Sat Oct 31 19:37:23 EDT 2009

I'd like to announce the release of LittleProxy 0.1, based on Netty.
LittleProxy is a basic HTTP proxy supporting all HTTP methods
including CONNECT.

LittleProxy's performance is comparable to mod_proxy, achieving almost
identical scores in Apache Benchmark on Windows and slightly better
scores on OSX, both running with Java 6 and Apache 2.2.x.

You can check out LittleProxy here:

I built LittleProxy as a core building block of a distributed proxy
system that will be incorporated with LittleShoot
( to circumvent censors in countries like
China, Iran, Burma, etc. More on that soon.

If anyone wants to lend a hand, there's one significant outstanding
bug we could use some help with, described here:

LittleProxy is licensed under the Apache 2 license.



Adam Fisk | |

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