Netty Performance

이희승 (Trustin Lee) trustin at
Thu Sep 10 01:53:10 EDT 2009

Please post the test application that demonstrates that problem.

On Thu, 3 Sep 2009 15:20:34 +0900 (KST)
okwai <lmatshoba at> wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been doing some load testing with Netty, and am having some
> trouble configuring it in such a way that I can get throughput higher
> than 2000 packets per second (running on a dual core machine with 3GB
> of memory, and my cpu usage is actually still low, and so is the
> memory usage).
> Using NioServerSocketChannelFactory with CachedThreadPool, and a
> shared set of handlers/pipeline.

Trustin Lee,

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