Proxy server example

이희승 (Trustin Lee) trustin at
Thu Sep 10 02:02:23 EDT 2009

Hi Pavan,

First off, thank you very much for sharing your work.  It is impressive!

On Wed, 9 Sep 2009 16:19:25 +0900 (KST)
pavanmedishetty <pavanmails at> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I wrote a generic proxy server, with it ideally we should connect to
> any website and browse them.
> I am attaching source here.
> I tested it with normal and SSL websites. Most of sites are working.
> But some times getting issues with chunked responses, where first
> chunk is passed to browser but failing to pass remaining chunks
> (browser to proxy channel is getting closed before response is placed
> in that channel)
> If any one can tell me if I wrote anything wrong in it. Thanks in
> Advance.

Perhaps you might want to reuse the HTTP codec for more robust handling
of HTTP requests and responses?

> BTW: I used Trustin's Hexdump Proxy and modified some code in it to
> get this proxy. 
> The main changes are: 
> 1) Identifying Host dynamically from HTTP request.
> 2) Changed Pipeline coverage to "all"
> proxy.rar 
> -Pavan Medishetty

Trustin Lee,

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