How to control the Channel out of Handler object

Thomas Bocek bocek at
Tue Sep 15 14:13:57 EDT 2009

Hi Olek,

olekg wrote:
> Hello,
> As I written in another thread I try to build Comet/Streaming solution with 
> Netty. I have partialy chieved me goal for one-client connection.
> The idea for my application is to run timer in singleton object which
> updates all registered Event objects, registered in HttpRequestHandler. In
> other words when obtain messageReceived event I do not build the response.
> Instead I pass the Event object to be many times used to fill client with
> data.
> Unofortuanately I have lost the control over transmission erreors. I have
> the code :
>        DefaultHttpChunk chunk = new DefaultHttpChunk( buf);
>        ChannelFuture chf = e.getChannel().write(chunk);
>        if ( chf.isSuccess() ) {
>     	   System.out.println("Wyprowadzono porcję skryptu przez kanał.");       
>        } else {
>     	   System.out.println("Error");
>     	   Throwable thr = chf.getCause();
>     	   if( thr != null ) {
>     		   System.out.println( thr.getMessage());
>     	   } else {
>     		   System.out.println("Null error object.");
>     	   }
>        }
> Regardless of the data is sent correctly or not I malway obtain "Error"
> message and "Null error object". I want to know when client discnnects.
> When I am inside HttpRequestHandler the exceptionCaught event is fired
> correctly. What if I am outside ?

Before using the channel future, make sure the future finished by
calling chf.awaitUninterruptibly(); Otherwise you often see the default
value of ChannelFuture, which is false.


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