Netty with unix domain sockets

Holger Hoffstätte holger.hoffstaette at
Wed Sep 16 04:52:39 EDT 2009

Utkarsh Srivastava wrote:
> I was hoping to avoid going through the TCP/IP stack and the extra
> context switch. Still evaluating whether its worth the trouble.

That would be ~20usecs saved. Alternatively there's always shared memory
but then you're looking at even more work and worse portability (look at for great inspiration). However you will need
native code in either case.

> I didn't quite get what you meant by "strictly 1:1". You can do the
> usual, bind() followed by accept() routine with unix domain sockets as well.

Yes, you are right - sorry about that. I confused it with the limited
bidirectionality. (late)


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