Can I interrupt a worker thread?

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Mon Aug 16 01:48:59 EDT 2010

Hi Nitro,

I don't see any problem with interrupting Netty threads.  If you
encounter any problem doing that, please let me know.


On 08/14/2010 09:10 AM, Nitrostar wrote:
> Hi,
> Can I interrupt a worker thread? What I'm trying to achieve is unnecessary
> computation after I've timed out for a given request.
> I have a TimerTask on every incoming http request. If it fires, I want to
> return an error and kill the current Thread processing that request.
> In my setup I have a request object that is constructed in my handler's
> messageReceived method. I'm thinking about storing the Thread that's
> servicing the request in this object and calling interrupt on it if the
> TimerTask expires. I would obviously make sure my TimerTask doesn't fire if
> I've already sent a response back.
> Thanks,
> Nitro

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