How many times is the messageReceived() Method invoked when I send large data?

sinogermany sinogermany at
Wed Aug 25 23:45:08 EDT 2010

Hi both,

the problem was perfectly solved. Thank you so much for the quick replies.

here's the codes I added:
server side:

private int size = -1;
protected Object decode(ChannelHandlerContext ctx, Channel channel,
ChannelBuffer buffer){
    if(size < 0 && buffer.readableBytes() > 0){
        size = buffer.readInt();
    int bytesRead = buffer.readableBytes();
    if(bytesRead < size){
        return null;
        return buffer.readBytes(size);

client side:
ChannelBuffer bufferToWrite =

Now I can transfer really large binary data.

I still got two small questions:
1. on the client side, is there a way to "insert" the size to the first 4
bytes in the "buf" object (like an "ArrayList") ? Calling a new
channelbuffer object costs twice so much memory.

2. When several clients write large streams simultaniously, there should be
several instances of my Decoder, right? I mean a part of request A should
not be stimulated into the buffer of request B.

Anyway, big problem solved, so thank you very much again!
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