LittleProxy 0.3 Released

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Thu Aug 26 00:43:09 EDT 2010

Congratulations!  It's nice to see this nice project keep improving.


On 08/22/2010 06:14 AM, Adam Fisk wrote:
> Hi Everyone- I released Netty-based LittleProxy 0.3 out in the wild
> yesterday. It contains a lot of improvements over 0.2, most
> importantly much better performance, update to Netty 3.2.1 Final,
> custom response processing, and maven support. The full change log is
> here:
> This release also includes LittleProxy's first outside patch, coming
> from Valentin Alexeev to allow proxy chaining. Thanks Valentin!!
> We've done some initial tests with Apache Benchmark that show
> LittleProxy significantly outperforms Apache's mod_proxy, in some
> cases by as much as 80%. We'll release more detailed performance
> benchmarks at some point (feel free to contribute some if you've got
> 'em!!), but have a look here if you're curious:
> Finally, there's also a new LittleProxy site with more documentation here:
> Thanks everyone, and most of all to Trustin. LittleProxy very much
> "stands on the shoulders of giants" - none of LittleProxy's
> performance would be possible without it.
> -Adam

what we call human nature in actuality is human habit

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