urgent Performance issues

ynotNetty yair at traffixsystems.com
Mon Aug 30 07:20:49 EDT 2010

hi All, 

we have the following issues (going to use netty in a very high rate
communication environments): 
BWT , we use netty 3.2.1 version . 
1. in our decoder(that extends the OneToOneDecoder) we have this code : 
  protected Object decode(ChannelHandlerContext context, Channel channel,
Object msg) throws Exception { 
     ByteBuffer buffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(channelBuffer.readableBytes() +   
    channelBuffer.getBytes(channelBuffer.readerIndex(), buffer); 
    BufferWrapper bufferWrapper = new ByteBufferWrapper(buffer); 
    PipelineChannelWrapper channelWrapper = (PipelineChannelWrapper)
    DiameterMessage message = parser.parseMessage(bufferWrapper, 0, true,

    return message; 

this is a surley not the ideal way to do parsing of a message , can you
suplly us with a better way that doesn't involve allocation of bytebuffer
for each message ? 

2. what do you recommened about tuning the netty to work with large number
of Clients - one server 
with a average message length of 1000B wuth a high volume of messages per
second (aroung 40-50K) 

2.a) should we have one instance of ExeuterHandler per all the channels or
should we create a new instance for every channel) 
2.b) should the executerHandler should use one instance of ThreadExecuter or
a new one for each channel. 

our current configuration is : 

 protected PeerPipelineFactory(TransportStack stack) { 
    executionHandler = getProtocolExecutor(); 
    inExecuter = threadManager.getExecutor(false);    //return one instance
that was initaiated as 
//executor = new MemoryAwareThreadPoolExecutor(corePoolSize,
 //        keepAliveTime, keepAliveTimeUnit, getThreadFactory()); 

 public ChannelPipeline getPipeline() throws Exception { 
pipeline.addLast(OurExecutionHandler.NAME,executionHandler ); 

protected OurExecutionHandler getProtocolExecutor( 
      ) { 
    return new OurExecutionHandler (inExecuter); 

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