Netty 3.2.0.BETA1 released: zero-copy file transfer

jfarcand jfarcand at
Fri Mar 5 10:33:09 EST 2010

Awesome work, Trustin!

-- Jeanfrancois

On 10-03-04 8:51 PM, "Trustin Lee (이희승)" wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Netty 3.2.0.BETA1, the first beta release in 3.2 branch, has been
> released after long awaits.
> The Netty project is an effort to provide an asynchronous, event-driven
> network application framework and tools for rapid development of
> maintainable, high-performance, high-scalability protocol servers and
> clients.
> In other words, Netty is an NIO client server framework that enables
> quick and easy development of network applications such as protocol
> servers and clients. It simplifies and streamlines network programming
> such as TCP and UDP socket servers
> Please visit our web site to get more information and download it.  Your
> feed back is more than appreciated - please visit the discussion forum
> and leave some comments and questions:
>    *
> New Related Project: Ning's Asynchronous HTTP Client
> ====================================================
> Ning, one of the largest social platform provider, open-sourced their
> asynchronous HTTP client which uses Netty (and its HTTP codec) as its
> primary transport.  If you were using Netty directly to write an HTTP
> client, you might want to give this library a try because its API is
> very clean, simple and more HTTP-centric.
>    * announcement:
>    *  github repo:
>    * google group:
> Notable changes since 3.2.0.ALPHA4
> ==================================
>    * Zero-copy file transfer:
>    * The number of I/O threads has been doubled for better out-of-
>      the-box performance.
>    * Fixed performance regression in the NIO transport
>    * SslHandler became more secure by disabling renegotiation by default.
> For the complete list of resolved issues, visit the issue tracker:
>    *
> Notable changes since 3.1.5.GA
> ==============================
>    * Overall performance improvement in NIO transport
>    * @ChannelPipelineCoverage annotation has been deprecated by the
>      @Sharable annotation to reduce beginner confusion
>    * ChannelBuffer improvements
>      * New access methods for float, double, and char
>      * New method: ensureWritableBytes(int)
>      * New method: bytesBefore() for easier variable length string decode
>      * All string conversion methods now use Charset instead of String.
>    * Channel API improvements
>      * Zero-copy file transfer in NIO transport:
>      * StaticChannelPipeline: an alternative pipeline implementation
>    * HTTP codec improvements
>      * WebSocket support
>      * Complete trailing header support
>      * More robust CookieDecoder
>      * More convenience methods in HttpMessage
>    * Zlib-based compression handlers
>    * RTSP codec
> For the full changelog, please visit the issue tracker:
>    *
> Upcoming Releases
> =================
> Since the HTTP tunneling transport has been rescheduled to the next
> major feature release (3.3), all planned features have been implemented.
>   Unless there is a critical issue, I will proceed to release candidate
> phase.
> Although 3.2 has been feature-frozen, the road map for 3.3 release is
> wide open.  Please keep posting new ideas so that we can pick them up
> for 3.3.
> Cheers,
> Trustin

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