Write on channel on channelConnected()

"Trustin Lee (이희승)" trustin at gmail.com
Wed Mar 24 01:47:14 EDT 2010

Hi Bruno,

Bruno Mello wrote:
> Hello all,
> I think I found a bug on Netty 3.2.0 BETA1.
> If I try to write on a channel inside the channelConnected method I get a
> "java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: unsupported message type" exception. 
>    public void channelConnected(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final
> ChannelStateEvent e) {
>       ctx.getChannel().write("hello");
>    }

It's perhaps because you did not configure the pipeline properly.  If
you are building text line protocol, refer to the telnet example.

> Also, if I put a long routine in channelConnected if behaves in an
> unexpected fashion:
> For instance, a client connects after pressing a button and when connected
> it displays a message "connected".
> With the code bellow the message "connected" only shows up 5 seconds before
> pressing the button.
>    public void channelConnected(final ChannelHandlerContext ctx, final
> ChannelStateEvent e) {
>        Thread.sleep(5000);
>    }
>>From my understanding channelConnected should be called AFTER the channel is
> really connected and ready to exchange messages.

If channelConnected() is called, it means the connection has been
established.  However, during sleep(), no additional I/O will occur for
the connection because you did not return the control to Netty.  It's
like Swing.  It you sleep in an event listener, UI does not respond.

what we call human nature in actuality is human habit

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