empty text?

"Trustin Lee (이희승)" trustin at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 01:26:19 EDT 2010

Nitrostar wrote:
> Sorry, I haven't really contributed much to the open-source community, but
> I'd love to start!


> This particular bug isn't really messing things on my end, but if I can help
> you guys debug something I'd be willing to put the time. What do you mean by
> "exact traffic pattern"?

It means the HTTP message(s) that trigger the problem in your case.  For
example, you could telnet to the HTTP server and type the HTTP message
to prove that the server is not working correctly.

> Is there anything I could log? Is there anything about my program that would
> be useful to know?

You could use a packet dumper like Wireshark to capture the traffic of
your application and see if the client is sending wrong data or the
server is not understanding it.


what we call human nature in actuality is human habit

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