Improve http performance?

Wade Poziombka wpoziombka at
Wed Mar 31 22:11:44 EDT 2010

I draw the same conclusion from my past testing.  It does range checking for each byte over and over.




From: netty-users-bounces at [mailto:netty-users-bounces at] On Behalf Of Jiming Liu
Sent: Tuesday, March 30, 2010 12:47 AM
To: netty-users at
Subject: Re: Improve http performance?


Hi Tee,

I've refactored some code to trying to improve Http performance. The following code is around 50% percent faster than the original ones. But to the http service, it only improved around 4%. Yes, Netty is very well coded, it is not easy to find a way to improve it:)

After refactor, I noticed that Buffer.indexOf are a bottleneck now. And after reading netty code deeper, I found maybe the buffers should have more batch operations, and make them real batch operation instead of still operate byte after byte.

    private String readLine(ChannelBuffer buffer, int maxLineLength) throws TooLongFrameException {
        int lineLength = 0;
        // Jiming's code
        int fromIndex = buffer.readerIndex();
        int readableBytes = buffer.readableBytes();
        int indexOf = buffer.indexOf(fromIndex, fromIndex + readableBytes, HttpCodecUtil.LF);
        lineLength = indexOf - fromIndex + 1;
        if(lineLength > maxLineLength) {
            throw new TooLongFrameException(
            "An HTTP line is larger than " + maxLineLength +
            " bytes.");
        byte[] arr = new byte[lineLength];
        int trimLen = (arr[arr.length - 2] == HttpCodecUtil.CR)?arr.length - 2:arr.length-1;
        return new String(arr, 0, trimLen);

    private String readHeader(ChannelBuffer buffer) throws TooLongFrameException {
           // Jiming's code
            String result = readLine(buffer, maxHeaderSize);
            this.headerSize += result.length() + 1;
            if (headerSize >= maxHeaderSize) {
                throw new TooLongFrameException("HTTP header is larger than "
                        + maxHeaderSize + " bytes.");
            // System.out.println(result + ":" + this.headerSize);
            return result;


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