Netty close the channel internally, I can't figure out why

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Tue Nov 16 07:43:35 EST 2010


fujohnwang(王福强) wrote:
> I have tried to print the stack trace when the close is called or after the
> close is called , but still I can't figure out why the channel is closed
> normally, if the peer close the connection, in which way can I find it out?

You could capture the packets to determine who initiate closure.

> I have add a listener to the close future and override the channelClosed
> method of the channel handler to print the stack trace, the printing is
> listed below, but I can't find any useful information, do u have any other
> ideas to find out why the channel is closed without explicitly calling?

No.  According to the stack trace, the peer is closing the channel.  If
you closed it, the stack trace will probably show something different
such as 'handleDownstream'.


Trustin Lee -

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