channel.write() vs channel.write(new ChunkedInput(.....))

"이희승 (Trustin Lee)" trustin at
Mon Nov 22 03:44:38 EST 2010

I think the overhead shouldn't be much, but it does involve some loops
and object creation.  I'd rather suggest you to do some performance test
and decide by yourself because it depends on your application's
performance requirement.


B.L. Zeebub wrote:
> Hi
> Is there any sort of rule of thumb as to the size of the payload to send
> when switching to chunkedInput would give better performance?
> Given that I'm sending a mixture of small payloads (30-80 bytes) with the
> occassional large transfer (3-4MB) would I incur significant overhead if I
> universally used ChunkedInput even with the 20-80byte packets?
> Regards

Trustin Lee -

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