[resteasy-dev] README.md update 3.1.0

Marek Kopecky mkopecky at redhat.com
Thu Jul 21 02:56:06 EDT 2016

Hi Rebecca,

jira for this has been created already, see: 

Speaking of wiki, there are two links to some tutorials on 
https://developer.jboss.org. Content like that may be directly in 
RESTEasy documentation ( 
http://docs.jboss.org/resteasy/docs/3.0.17.Final/userguide/ ).

But I really like list of links to external articles about 
JAX-RS/RESTEasy in wiki. Unfortunately, this list is not up to date. It 
would be great to keep this list, so everyone could add new articles to 
this wiki page. But I don't have permission to edit this page.


On 07/20/2016 05:11 PM, Rebecca Searls wrote:
> There is outdated information in the README.md.  The most egregious is the ref to
> the wiki, http://wiki.jboss.org/wiki/RESTeasyJAXRS.   The URL no longer exists.
> The new URL is https://developer.jboss.org/wiki/ResteasyWIKI, however the information
> on this page is outdated.  The last update was 2013.  There are a couple of ways to
> address this,
>    1. Update the information on the wiki page.
>    2. Replace the existing page with a new one;  The new page could link to the old page.
>    3. Remove the reference to the wiki page from the README.
> I recommend option 1 or 2
> The other information to be updated is
>    A. Ref the new location of the examples.
>    B. JDK 1.8 is to be used.  ant scriptlets are no longer an issue
>    C. Provide URL to the JDK 8 Cryptography Extension
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