[resteasy-dev] Document: Upgrading from Resteasy 2 to Resteasy 3

Jim Ma ema at redhat.com
Mon Jul 25 05:43:24 EDT 2016

This is well written and very informative.I finally found the time to 
focus on reading and studying this last week, so comment here a bit late.

There are some deprecated exceptions and replaced with new jaxrs 2.0 
exceptions , do we need to add them to misc section ?

org.jboss.resteasy.spi.ForbiddenException ->javax.ws.rs.ForbiddenException


On 07/13/2016 09:19 AM, Ron Sigal wrote:
> I've written a brief document discussing the deprecated classes in 
> Resteasy 2 and branch 3.0.x, attached in PDF form. Feel free to
>  1. ignore it
>  2. criticize it
> -Ron
> -- 
> My company's smarter than your company (unless you work for Red Hat)
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