[resteasy-dev] tjws

Ron Sigal rsigal at redhat.com
Wed Jun 1 19:28:42 EDT 2016

On 06/01/2016 06:59 PM, Ron Sigal wrote:
> On 06/01/2016 04:56 PM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
>> Il 01/06/2016 19:27, Ron Sigal ha scritto:
>>> On 06/01/2016 04:16 AM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
>>>> Il 01/06/2016 03:14, Ron Sigal ha scritto:
>>>>> Hi guys,
>>>>> After slogging through as many bug JIRAs as possible for 
>>>>> 3.0.17.Final, I felt like I needed to do something different for a 
>>>>> while, so I started looking at non-blocking IO for JAX-RS 2.1. One 
>>>>> of the issues I ran into is the servlet version problem. Even 
>>>>> though resteasy-jaxrs declares a dependency on servlet 3.1, its 
>>>>> dependency on tjws brings in servlet 2.5, which gets in the way of 
>>>>> using servlet 3.1. I've done some refactoring:
>>>>>  1) moved everything related to tjws from resteasy-jaxrs to tjws
>>>>>  2) moved all tests (except i18n tests) from resteasy-jaxrs to 
>>>>> resteasy-jaxrs-testsuite (so resteasy-jaxrs doesn't depend on tjws)
>>>>>  3) removed the dependency of resteasy-jaxrs on tjws
>>>>>  4) created a dependency of tjws on resteasy-jaxrs
>>>>> I thought I'd ask for comments before I create a pull request. Two 
>>>>> points come to mind:
>>>>> 1) Originally, resteasy-jaxrs-testsuite was created to hold tests 
>>>>> specifically related to JAX-RS 2.0 (hence the nextgen packages). 
>>>>> The plan was to upgrade all of the old tests to use JAX-RS 2.0 
>>>>> stuff like the new client framework, but it never happened. This 
>>>>> might be a good time to do that.
>>>> +1, we should try to get rid of all those warnings about old client 
>>>> stuff in the build. And given we're working on a new minor and that 
>>>> stuff was deprecated in 3.0.x, we could actually think about 
>>>> removing the old client framework.
>>> Given that we have some large pieces pieces ready to deprecate (old 
>>> client framework, TJWS, old validation (see my previous note on 
>>> mailing list), maybe we should do a 3.0.18.Final release in which 
>>> all this stuff is deprecated so that we can start 3.1.0.Final with a 
>>> clean slate. Just a thought.
>> Yeah, that would be nice.We should then backport 
>> https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/pull/821/commits/db988a936fef4a7c602d5292a3e371eb8fe5dbf9 
>> to the 3.0.x branch as well as the commit that will deprecate the old 
>> validation stuff. Perhaps the 3.0.18.Final release should also 
>> include few bug fixes, so we could wait some weeks and see if there's 
>> anything really relevant to be backported there (and better justify 
>> the release) ;-)
> Ok, cool. I'll update the announcement on Magnolia about 3.0.17.Final 
> being the next to last 3.0.x release, and add a list of deprecated stuff.


>>>>> 2) I know we've talked about what to do with tjws, but I don't 
>>>>> know if we reached a conclusion. This would be a good time to 
>>>>> deprecate it, if we're going to do that.
>>>> +1, sure.
>>>> I'd be glad to review your PR on this. It should be the first step 
>>>> to revisiting the testsuite to default to using WFLY as container.
>>> I created RESTEASY-1410 "Segregate TJWS from resteasy-jaxrs" and PR 
>>> https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/pull/821. Since you agree that 
>>> we should deprecate TJWS, I'll do one more commit in which all of 
>>> the TJWS classes are @deprecated.
>> Cool thanks.
>> I'm testing the  PR on top of current HEAD and merging if everything 
>> is fine (and I think it is)
>> Cheers
>> Alessio
>> -- 
>> Alessio Soldano
>> Web Service Lead, JBoss
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