[resteasy-dev] Dependencies in RESTEasy-client

Marek Kopecky mkopecky at redhat.com
Mon Jun 20 08:56:10 EDT 2016

Hi all,

in my point of view, resteasy-client should contains dependencies to 
important RESTEasy providers, because users just want to add 
"resteasy-client" dependency to their project and start to using it. But 
it is not possible now, they also need to add some providers (if they 
are not satisfied with text/plain media type). For example, users needs 
to use dependency to resteasy-jackson2-provider, if they have end-point 
in with "@Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)".

What providers would you like to have as dependencies in 
resteasy-client? You can answer in 

Thank you,


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