[resteasy-dev] RESTEasy and possible "community" contribution

Alessio Soldano asoldano at redhat.com
Thu May 5 11:57:26 EDT 2016

Il 05/05/2016 15:21, Rostislav Svoboda ha scritto:
>>>>     -- find . | grep pom.xml | grep -v arquillian | grep -v exam | grep -v
>>>>     test | wc -l reports 58 pom.xml files
>>>> - not clear where is the real code and what is just add-odd like examples,
>>>> book stuff
>>>> - naming of modules in not in sync, some are starting resteasy-*, some do
>>>> not have such prefix
>>>> Commits:
>>>> - commit messages do not follow same/similar format - see
>>>> https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/commits/master
>>>>     -- I would expect jira id at the beginning of the commit message, it's
>>>>     there sometime but in different format - e.g. RESTEASY-1328 vs.
>>>>     [RESTEASY-1331]
>> Even better is the whole URL, so you can click and go there.
> Not so sure, [RESTEASY-xxx] is the best option from my side, jira can handle integration / parsing of commit messages
>>> Versions:
>>> - will leave this to Tomaz :)
>>> TS:
>>> - unit tests are mixed with integration tests
>>>     -- integration tests should be in separate module
>>>     -- tests should be running in different maven phases
>>> - there are only few tests against WF
>>> - such tests are not executed against latest WF, but mainly against WF 8
>> At some point I started adding new arquillian tests to RESTEASY-TEST-WF8
>> to reduce the number of times wildfly starts up. I have a
>> RESTEASY-TEST-WF10, but it depends on JDK 1.8, so it's not activated yet.
> Shouldn't be JDK 8 the default ?


Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss

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