[resteasy-dev] Resolving failing test, (arquillian/RESTEASY-903-WF8) recommendations wanted

Rebecca Searls rsearls at redhat.com
Tue May 24 09:38:34 EDT 2016

I'm testing the Apache deprecation changes. Tests in /home/rsearls/j1/Resteasy/jaxrs/arquillian/RESTEASY-903-WF8
are failing.  The testing version of wildfly is using target/wildfly/modules/system/layers/base/org/apache/httpcomponents/main/httpclient-4.2.1.jar
however our code changes required version httpclient-4.3.6.jar or higher, because class
org.apache.http.conn.HttpClientConnectionManager is in the later versions but not in 4.2.1.
jaxrs/jboss-modules does not provide a module for httpcomponents.  jarxrs/pom.xml is using version 4.3.6
for building the components.

How would you recommend I resolve this?

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