[resteasy-dev] i18n issues?

Alessio Soldano asoldano at redhat.com
Fri Sep 2 18:51:36 EDT 2016

Btw, afaics we have modules having the i18n profile with that 
maven-resources-plugin thing, but not having any src/test/resources/i18n 

alessio at localhost /ssd/resteasy (master) $ tree 
├── pom.xml
└── src
     └── main
         └── java
             └── org
                 └── jboss
                     └── resteasy
                         └── wadl
                             └── WadlUndertowConnector.java

7 directories, 2 files
alessio at localhost /ssd/resteasy (master) $ tree providers/fastinfoset/
├── pom.xml
└── src
     └── main
         ├── java
         │   └── org
         │       └── jboss
         │           └── resteasy
         │               └── plugins
         │                   └── providers
         │                       ├── fastinfoset
         │                       │   └── i18n
         │                       │       └── Messages.java
         │                       └── jaxb
         │                           └── fastinfoset
         │                               ├── 
         │                               ├── FastinfoSetContext.java
         │                               ├── FastinfoSetElementProvider.java
         │                               ├── 
         │                               ├── FastInfosetMapProvider.java
         │                               ├── FastinfoSetMarshaller.java
         │                               ├── FastinfoSetUnmarshaller.java
         │                               ├── 
         │                               ├── 
         │                               └── FastinfoSetXmlTypeProvider.java
         └── resources
             └── META-INF
                 └── services
                     └── javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers

15 directories, 13 files
alessio at localhost /ssd/resteasy (master) $ tree 
├── pom.xml
└── src
     └── main
         ├── java
         │   └── org
         │       └── jboss
         │           └── resteasy
         │               ├── api
         │               │   └── validation
         │               │       ├── ResteasyViolationException.java
         │               │       ├── ResteasyViolationExceptionMapper.java
         │               │       └── ViolationReport.java
         │               └── plugins
         │                   └── validation
         │                       ├── AbstractValidatorContextResolver.java
         │                       ├── ConstraintTypeUtil11.java
         │                       ├── GeneralValidatorImpl.java
         │                       ├── i18n
         │                       │   ├── LogMessages.java
         │                       │   └── Messages.java
         │                       ├── SimpleViolationsContainer.java
         │                       ├── ValidatorContextResolverCDI.java
         │                       └── ValidatorContextResolver.java
         └── resources
             └── META-INF
                 └── services
                     └── javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers

14 directories, 13 files
alessio at localhost /ssd/resteasy (master) $ tree providers/multipart/
├── pom.xml
└── src
     └── main
         ├── java
         │   └── org
         │       └── jboss
         │           └── resteasy
         │               ├── annotations
         │               │   └── providers
         │               │       └── multipart
         │               │           ├── MultipartForm.java
         │               │           ├── PartFilename.java
         │               │           ├── PartType.java
         │               │           └── XopWithMultipartRelated.java
         │               └── plugins
         │                   └── providers
         │                       └── multipart
         │                           ├── 
         │                           ├── AbstractMultipartRelatedWriter.java
         │                           ├── AbstractMultipartWriter.java
         │                           ├── ContentIDUtils.java
         │                           ├── FieldEnablerPrivilegedAction.java
         │                           ├── HeaderFlushedOutputStream.java
         │                           ├── i18n
         │                           │   ├── LogMessages.java
         │                           │   └── Messages.java
         │                           ├── InputPart.java
         │                           ├── ListMultipartReader.java
         │                           ├── ListMultipartWriter.java
         │                           ├── MapMultipartFormDataReader.java
         │                           ├── MapMultipartFormDataWriter.java
         │                           ├── MimeMultipartProvider.java
         │                           ├── MultipartConstants.java
         │                           ├── MultipartFormAnnotationReader.java
         │                           ├── MultipartFormAnnotationWriter.java
         │                           ├── MultipartFormDataInputImpl.java
         │                           ├── MultipartFormDataInput.java
         │                           ├── MultipartFormDataOutput.java
         │                           ├── MultipartFormDataReader.java
         │                           ├── MultipartFormDataWriter.java
         │                           ├── MultipartInputImpl.java
         │                           ├── MultipartInput.java
         │                           ├── MultipartOutput.java
         │                           ├── MultipartReader.java
         │                           ├── MultipartRelatedInputImpl.java
         │                           ├── MultipartRelatedInput.java
         │                           ├── MultipartRelatedOutput.java
         │                           ├── MultipartRelatedReader.java
         │                           ├── MultipartRelatedWriter.java
         │                           ├── MultipartWriter.java
         │                           ├── OutputPart.java
         │                           ├── 
         │                           ├── XopWithMultipartRelatedReader.java
         │                           └── XopWithMultipartRelatedWriter.java
         └── resources
             └── META-INF
                 └── services
                     └── javax.ws.rs.ext.Providers

16 directories, 42 files

which means we are already not testing all log messages. Perhaps we 
should fix these modules or drop the profiles there. Any thought?


Il 03/09/2016 00:33, Alessio Soldano ha scritto:
> OK, cool, thanks for explanation, now it's a bit clearer to me (and this
> adds to what Martin was writing in the other thread "Re: RESTEasy
> providers tests refactoring" few days ago).
> What is actually tested though? Isn't JBoss Logging generating the
> needed i18n classes for us? Do we really need those tests to cover any
> i18n message that we add?
> This said, perhaps we can figure out a way to avoid copying test
> resources into main tree, I might try an alternative approach here by
> tuning the classloader that's used in the test to load resources, so
> that it picks them where they are in test area. Will think about it in
> the future...
> Cheers
> Alessio
> Il 02/09/2016 23:20, Ron Sigal ha scritto:
>> Hey Alessio,
>> Those i18n profiles are used to test logging in the presence of a
>> non-default locale. In particular, the tests set a locale which brings
>> in message bundles from src/main/resources. Most of the time, the
>> bundles live in src/test/resources because they are purely for testing
>> and shouldn't ship in the jars. Notice the presence of
>>>               <plugin>
>>> <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId>
>>>                   <configuration>
>>>                       <filesets>
>>>                           <fileset>
>>> <directory>src/main/resources</directory>
>>>                               <includes>
>>> <include>org/**</include>
>>>                               </includes>
>>>                           </fileset>
>>>                       </filesets>
>>>                   </configuration>
>>>               </plugin>
>> in Resteasy/pom.xml, which cleans up the bundles whenever mvn clean is
>> executed.
>> One other issue, by the way, is the fact that, as far as I can tell,
>> setting a default locale in a JVM can't be reversed. The i18n tests use
>> multiple default locales, e.g., "en" and "xx", to bring in different
>> message bundles, so they need separate JVMs. That's why the i18n
>> profiles set
>>>                       <plugin>
>>> <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>>> <artifactId>maven-surefire-plugin</artifactId>
>>>                          <configuration>
>>> <reuseForks>false</reuseForks>
>>>                           </configuration>
>>>                       </plugin>
>> <reuseForks/> to false.
>> These i18n profiles have been sitting there quietly for quite a while
>> now. They were added mostly to test that I did the i18n conversion
>> properly. Since then, there hasn't really been any reason to run them,
>> except, maybe every couple of years, we add a new log message. ;-)
>> Or, in Latin, mea culpa. Hope that helps.
>> -Ron
>> On 09/02/2016 12:15 PM, Alessio Soldano wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> while fixing an issue with i18n messages in the Vert.x server adapter
>>> (basically the same base id of Netty4 adapter was used, hence resulting
>>> in id clashes), I stumbled upon the i18n maven profile that can be found
>>> in many pom.xml files in the project. Can anybody please explain
>>> how/when that is used?
>>> In particular, when that profile is on, I find what the
>>> maven-resources-plugin does a bit suspicious; see for example
>>> https://github.com/resteasy/Resteasy/blob/5b4823ff60d73fdf48f7c0b70b2b4ee6a388b863/resteasy-jaxrs/pom.xml#L171-L195
>>> , files from the test tree are copied into the main tree (hence
>>> potentially polluting the built artifacts).
>>> Thanks
>>> Alessio

Alessio Soldano
Web Service Lead, JBoss

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