[resteasy-dev] RESTEASY-1486 and jackson

Ron Sigal rsigal at redhat.com
Mon Sep 26 16:47:39 EDT 2016

I see in https://access.redhat.com/articles/2158031 "JBoss Enterprise 
Application Platform (EAP) 7 Included Modules" that jackson modules are 
listing as "private" and jackson2 modules are "public".

Is that also true for Wildfly 10? I'm not sure how to tell. I see, 
though, that 
references org.jboss.resteasy.resteasy-jackson-provider.

What I'm asking, really, is: Do we need to support jackson?

Also, I've been meaning to suggest that we do away with 
resteasy-jboss-modules-<version>.zip(for AS 7) and rename 
resteasy-jboss-modules-wf8-<version>.zip to 
resteasy-jboss-modules-wf-<version>.zip (that is, get rid of the "8" in 


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