[resteasy-dev] Testsuite question

Alessio Soldano asoldano at redhat.com
Wed Apr 19 03:57:50 EDT 2017

Il 19/04/2017 01:53, Ron Sigal ha scritto:
> This question arises from RESTEASY-1617 "Add support for injection in
> constraint validators on Java SE". We already use a CDI aware
> ValidatorFactory in the context of Wildfly / EAP, but not in Java SE.
> My question is: where do I test this new facility? I've got a test that
> makes an invocation to an embedded instance of Undertow. We have
> resteasy-integration-tests for running tests on Wildfly, which isn't
> appropriate in this case. We also have resteasy-unit-tests, but my
> understanding is that it's not for tests that make network invocations.
> We could create a new test module for running tests with embedded
> servers. Or I could just put it in resteasy-integration-tests and forget
> about it.
> It's not a big deal, but I'm open to suggestions.
I'm open to suggestions too. If nobody has strong opinions on this, I'd 
say let's add it into resteasy-integration-tests.


> Thanks,
> Ron

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