[resteasy-dev] Why resteasy.servlet.mapping.prefix

Katerina Novotna kanovotn at redhat.com
Thu Jan 19 10:08:04 EST 2017

----- Original Message -----
> Anyone remember why Resteasy web.xml config setting,
> resteasy.servlet.mapping.prefix was part of Resteasy arch?
> It appears in the very 1st 1.0.1 documentation release, so it must have been
> part of the initial design.
> Resteasy completely ignores servlet-mapping's, url-pattern, and uses
> resteasy.servlet.mapping.prefix if
> declared and  @ApplicationPath if it is not declared.
In addition, if both @ApplicationPath and resteasy.servlet.mapping.prefix are declared value in @ApplicationPath takes precedence, while the value in the descriptor should take precedence imho.

> Changes may need to be made to this.  I would like to understand why this
> design so as not to implement a
> change that would break Resteasy in a major way.
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