[resteasy-dev] Microprofile OpenTracing integration for WF Swarm

Pavol Loffay ploffay at redhat.com
Fri Nov 24 07:38:03 EST 2017

I have tried to register ClientRequestFilter, DynamicFeature to
ResteasyProviderFactory.getInstance(). None of these were triggered in the
client. Maybe because client builder is by default using:
LocalResteasyProviderFactory(ResteasyProviderFactory.newInstance())  see

When I set the provider factory explicitly registered filters are executed.

Do you have any idea?

We also need to use different ExecutorService as I have mentioned in the
first email.
I have extended ResteasyClientBuilder and defined service/SPI pointing to
that impl;. It worked for resteasy on Jetty but not in Wildly swarm
fraction. However I am not sure how reliable this is.


On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 6:45 PM, Pavol Loffay <ploffay at redhat.com> wrote:

> I have also noticed that response code in servlet filter for an
> unmapped exception is 200, when the final response code returned to the
> client is 500. Where could I get the final response code?
> On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 6:33 PM, Pavol Loffay <ploffay at redhat.com> wrote:
>> Thanks Alessio,
>> I run into another problem now tracing related. I am using servlet filter
>> to catch exceptions thrown from handlers. If the handler is async I get
>> this https://pastebin.com/SxNGUVc0 and the exception
>> is not propagated to the filter (in Jersey it is propagated, CXF has the
>> same behaviour as resteasy).
>> Do you know how could I catch this exception?
>> Regards,
>> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 6:02 PM, Alessio Soldano <asoldano at redhat.com>
>> wrote:
>>> Hi Pavol,
>>> as mentioned on hipchat, an idea could be to rely on the
>>> ResteasyProviderFactory (which has a getInstance static method) and install
>>> a dynamic client feature in it (e.g. using registerProviderInstance(Object
>>> obj) method).
>>> Perhaps you can try that and see if it fits your scenario.
>>> For the executor, I'm afraid I don't see an already existing solution,
>>> besides having your own ClientBuilder that overrides the executorService
>>> setup; perhaps we can make this configurable in the
>>> ResteasyProviderFactory, though.
>>> If someone from the team has further idea, just reply ;-)
>>> Cheers
>>> Alessio
>>> On Tue, Nov 21, 2017 at 5:22 PM, Pavol Loffay <ploffay at redhat.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am looking at microprofile-opentracing integration for Wildfly
>>>> Swarm. Briefly, it is a distributed tracing for JAX-RS both server and
>>>> client.
>>>> Issue [1] describes what is necessary. But I will repeat here:
>>>> Server
>>>> 1. register server jax-rs filters (no problem, server features are
>>>> auto-discovered)
>>>> 2. use servlet filter to finish the span and log any exception to the
>>>> span - because jax-rs filters do not capture exceptions
>>>> Client
>>>> 1. register tracing filters
>>>> 2. use OpenTracing-aware ExecutorService - it's needed for async API to
>>>> correctly propagate parent.
>>>> (3.) TCK is not defined yet. However, if they want to create spans for
>>>> UnknownHostException then we cannot use jax-rs client filters because they
>>>> are not executed. Network attempt happens before the filter when the
>>>> exception is thrown. To solve this we have to implement tracing in
>>>> resteasy or supply apache HC with tracing filters enabled (it also has some
>>>> problems).
>>>> The biggest issue is with client because we need
>>>> `ClientBuilder.newBuilder()` to return client/builder with enabled tracing.
>>>> [1] https://issues.jboss.org/browse/SWARM-1691
>>>> --
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> Purkyňova 115 TPB-B 612 00 Brno
> M: +421948286055
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