[rhmessaging-commits] rhmessaging commits: r1279 - mgmt/mint.

rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org
Fri Nov 9 12:04:09 EST 2007

Author: nunofsantos
Date: 2007-11-09 12:04:09 -0500 (Fri, 09 Nov 2007)
New Revision: 1279

updted to reflect changes in xml schema

Modified: mgmt/mint/schemaparser.py
--- mgmt/mint/schemaparser.py	2007-11-08 22:31:09 UTC (rev 1278)
+++ mgmt/mint/schemaparser.py	2007-11-09 17:04:09 UTC (rev 1279)
@@ -8,20 +8,27 @@
   # mapping between xml schema types and database column types
   dataTypesMap = {}
   sqlOutput = ""
+  indexes = ""
+  currentTable = ""
   syle = None
   def __init__(self, style):
     self.sqlOutput = ""
+    self.indexes = ""
+    self.currentTable = ""
     self.style = style
-    self.dataTypesMap["string"] = "VARCHAR(2000)"
+    # see xml/MgmtTypes.xml
+    self.dataTypesMap["objId"] = "INT8"
+    self.dataTypesMap["uint8"] = self.dataTypesMap["hilo8"] = self.dataTypesMap["count8"] = "INT2"
+    self.dataTypesMap["uint16"] = self.dataTypesMap["hilo16"] = self.dataTypesMap["count16"] = "INT2"
+    self.dataTypesMap["uint32"] = self.dataTypesMap["hilo32"] = self.dataTypesMap["count32"] = "INT4"
+    self.dataTypesMap["uint64"] = self.dataTypesMap["hilo64"] = self.dataTypesMap["count64"] = "INT8"
     self.dataTypesMap["bool"] = "BOOLEAN"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uint16"] = "INT2"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uint32"] = "INT4"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uint32_wm"] = "INT4"
-    self.dataTypesMap["uint64"] = "INT8"
-    self.dataTypesMap["ipAddress"] = "VARCHAR(100)"
-    self.dataTypesMap["enum"] = "VARCHAR(100) CHECK ("
-    self.dataTypesMap["fieldTable"] = "VARCHAR(2000)"
+    self.dataTypesMap["sstr"] = "VARCHAR(1000)"
+    self.dataTypesMap["lstr"] = "VARCHAR(4000)"
+    #self.dataTypesMap["ipAddress"] = "VARCHAR(100)"
+    #self.dataTypesMap["enum"] = "VARCHAR(100) CHECK ("
+    #self.dataTypesMap["fieldTable"] = "VARCHAR(2000)"
   def generate(self, name, elements, type):
     self.startTable(name, type)
@@ -34,8 +41,10 @@
        actualName = name
        actualName = name + "_stats"
-     self.sqlOutput += "CREATE TABLE " + actualName + " (\n"
+     self.currentTable = actualName
+     self.sqlOutput += "\nCREATE TABLE " + actualName + " (\n"
      self.sqlOutput += "  id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY,\n"
+     self.sqlOutput += "  id_original BIGINT,\n"
      if (type == "config"):
        self.sqlOutput += "  " + name + "_stats_id BIGINT,\n"
@@ -48,8 +57,14 @@
   def generateTimestampColumn(self, col):
     self.sqlOutput += "  " + col + "_time TIMESTAMP,\n"
+  def generateIndex(self, name):
+    self.indexes += "\nCREATE INDEX " + self.currentTable + "_" + name + "_index ON " + self.currentTable + "(" + name + ");\n"
   def generateColumn(self, elem, suffix=""):
     actualName = self.style.pythonAttrToDBColumn(elem["@name"] + suffix)
+    if (actualName.endswith("_id")):
+      # handle case where XML attrib ends in "Id", which confuses SqlObject into thinking it's a foreign key
+      actualName = actualName.replace("_id", "_ident")
     if (elem["@type"].startswith("enum")):
       actualType = "enum"
       params = actualName + " IN ("
@@ -64,14 +79,18 @@
       self.sqlOutput += "  " + foreignKeyTable + "_id BIGINT REFERENCES " + foreignKeyTable + ",\n"
       self.sqlOutput += "  " + actualName + " " + self.dataTypesMap[actualType] + params + ",\n"
-      if (elem["@type"].endswith("_wm") and suffix == ""):
+      if (elem["@type"].startswith("hilo") and suffix == ""):
         self.generateColumn(elem, "High")
         self.generateColumn(elem, "Low")
+      if (elem["@index"] == "y"):
+        self.generateIndex(actualName)
   def endTable(self, name, type):
-    self.sqlOutput = self.sqlOutput[:-2] + "\n);\n\n"
+    self.sqlOutput = self.sqlOutput[:-2] + "\n);\n" + self.indexes
     if (type == "inst"):
-      self.sqlOutput += "ALTER TABLE " + name + " ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + name + "_stats_id) REFERENCES " + name + "_stats;\n\n"
+      self.sqlOutput += "\nALTER TABLE " + name + " ADD FOREIGN KEY (" + name + "_stats_id) REFERENCES " + name + "_stats;\n"
+    self.currentTable = ""
+    self.indexes = ""
   def getCode(self):
     return self.sqlOutput
@@ -82,12 +101,14 @@
   """generates Python code from broker XML schema"""
   pythonOutput = ""
+  additional = ""
   syle = None
   def __init__(self, style, dsn):
     self.pythonOutput = "from sqlobject import *\n\n" + \
                         "conn = connectionForURI('" + dsn + "')\n" + \
                         "sqlhub.processConnection = conn\n\n"
+    self.additional = ""
     self.style = style
   def attrNameFromDbColumn(self, name, prefix="", removeSuffix=""):
@@ -104,18 +125,20 @@
-  def generateForeignKeys(self, name, elements):
-    dbName = name
+  def generateAdditionalAttribs(self, name, elements):
     name = self.attrNameFromDbColumn(name)
     for elem in elements:
       refName = elem["@name"]
       if (refName.endswith("Ref")):
+        # generate foreign keys
         refName = self.attrNameFromDbColumn(refName, "Mgmt", "Ref")
-        self.pythonOutput += "\n" + refName + ".sqlmeta.addJoin(MultipleJoin('" + name  + \
-                             "', joinMethodName='all" + name.replace("Mgmt", "")  + "s'))\n\n"
+        # add missing attribute (not added correctly with SqlObject 0.7.7; may need to be removed in later versions)
+        self.pythonOutput += "  _SO_class_" + self.style.pythonAttrToDBColumn(refName).capitalize() + " = " + refName + "()\n"
+        self.additional += "\n" + refName + ".sqlmeta.addJoin(MultipleJoin('" + name  + \
+                             "', joinMethodName='all" + name.replace("Mgmt", "")  + "s'))"
   def startClass(self, name):
-    self.pythonOutput += "class " + name + "(SQLObject):\n"
+    self.pythonOutput += "\nclass " + name + "(SQLObject):\n"
     self.pythonOutput += "  class sqlmeta:\n"
     self.pythonOutput += "    fromDatabase = True\n"
@@ -126,14 +149,16 @@
       comment = ""
     self.pythonOutput += "  def " + elem["@name"] + "():\n"
     self.pythonOutput += comment
-    self.pythonOutput += "    pass\n\n"
+    self.pythonOutput += "    pass\n"
   def endClass(self, name=""):
+    if (self.additional != ""):
+      self.pythonOutput += self.additional + "\n"
+      self.additional = ""
     if (name != "" and not name.endswith("Stats")):
       # add missing attribute (not added correctly with SqlObject 0.7.7; may need to be removed in later versions)
       self.pythonOutput += "  _SO_class_" + self.style.pythonAttrToDBColumn(name).capitalize() + "_stats = " + name + "Stats()\n"
-    self.pythonOutput += "\n"
   def getCode(self):
     return self.pythonOutput
@@ -166,13 +191,13 @@
     sqlFile = open(self.options["sqlOutput"], "w")
     pythonFile = open(self.options["pythonOutput"], "w")
     schema = qpid.mllib.xml_parse(self.options["schemaXML"])
-    objects = schema.query["schema/object"]
-    for obj in objects:
-      actualName = "mgmt_" + obj["@name"]
-      self.sqlGen.generate(actualName, obj.query["configElement"], "config")
-      self.sqlGen.generate(actualName, obj.query["instElement"], "inst")
-      self.pythonGen.generate(actualName, obj.query["method"])
-      self.pythonGen.generateForeignKeys(actualName, obj.query["configElement"])
+    classes = schema.query["schema/class"]
+    for cls in classes:
+      actualName = "mgmt_" + cls["@name"]
+      self.sqlGen.generate(actualName, cls.query["configElement"], "config")
+      self.sqlGen.generate(actualName, cls.query["instElement"], "inst")
+      self.pythonGen.generate(actualName, cls.query["method"])
+      self.pythonGen.generateAdditionalAttribs(actualName, cls.query["configElement"])

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