[rhmessaging-commits] rhmessaging commits: r3751 - store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests.

rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org rhmessaging-commits at lists.jboss.org
Fri Dec 18 13:07:38 EST 2009

Author: kpvdr
Date: 2009-12-18 13:07:38 -0500 (Fri, 18 Dec 2009)
New Revision: 3751

Updated tests for AlternateExchange; added test for redelivered flag.

Modified: store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/__init__.py
--- store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/__init__.py	2009-12-16 19:39:16 UTC (rev 3750)
+++ store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/__init__.py	2009-12-18 18:07:38 UTC (rev 3751)
@@ -21,4 +21,4 @@
 # The GNU Lesser General Public License is available in the file COPYING.
-from client_persistence_tests import *
+from client_persistence import *

Copied: store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/client_persistence.py (from rev 3750, store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/client_persistence_tests.py)
--- store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/client_persistence.py	                        (rev 0)
+++ store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/client_persistence.py	2009-12-18 18:07:38 UTC (rev 3751)
@@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
+# This file is part of the Qpid async store library msgstore.so.
+# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# Lesser General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
+# USA
+# The GNU Lesser General Public License is available in the file COPYING.
+from qpid.brokertest import *
+from qpid.messaging import Message
+from qmf.console import Session
+class Qmf:
+    """
+    QMF functions not yet available in the new QMF API. Remove this and replace with new API when it becomes available.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, broker):
+        self.__session = Session()
+        self.__broker = self.__session.addBroker("amqp://localhost:%d"%broker.port())
+    def addExchange(self, exchangeName, exchangeType, altExchangeName=None, passive=False, durable=False, arguments = {}):
+        """Add a new exchange"""
+        amqpSession = self.__broker.getAmqpSession()
+        if altExchangeName:
+            amqpSession.exchange_declare(exchange=exchangeName, type=exchangeType, alternate_exchange=altExchangeName, passive=passive, durable=durable, arguments=arguments)
+        else:
+            amqpSession.exchange_declare(exchange=exchangeName, type=exchangeType, passive=passive, durable=durable, arguments=arguments)
+    def addQueue(self, queueName, altExchangeName=None, passive=False, durable=False, arguments = {}):
+        """Add a new queue"""
+        amqpSession = self.__broker.getAmqpSession()
+        if altExchangeName:
+            amqpSession = amqpSession.queue_declare(queueName, alternate_exchange=altExchangeName, passive=passive, durable=durable, arguments=arguments)
+        else:
+            amqpSession = amqpSession.queue_declare(queueName, passive=passive, durable=durable, arguments=arguments)
+    def __query(self, name, _class, package, altExchangeName=None):
+        try:
+            objList = self.__session.getObjects(_class=_class, _package=package)
+            found = False
+            for o in objList:
+                if o.name == name:
+                    found = True
+                    if altExchangeName != None:
+                        altExchList = self.__session.getObjects(_objectId=o.altExchange)
+                        if len(altExchList) == 0 or altExchList[0].name != altExchangeName: return False
+                    break
+            return found
+        except: return False
+    def queryExchange(self, exchangeName, altExchangeName=None):
+        """Test for the presence of an exchange, and optionally whether it has an alternate exchange set to a known value."""
+        return self.__query(exchangeName, "exchange", "org.apache.qpid.broker", altExchangeName)
+    def queryQueue(self, queueName, altExchangeName=None):
+        """Test for the presence of an exchange, and optionally whether it has an alternate exchange set to a known value."""
+        return self.__query(queueName, "queue", "org.apache.qpid.broker", altExchangeName)
+class AlternateExchagePropertyTests(BrokerTest):
+    """
+    Test the persistence of the Alternate Exchange property for exchanges and queues.
+    """
+    def __args(self):
+        assert BrokerTest.store_lib 
+        return ["--load-module", BrokerTest.store_lib]
+    def testExchange(self):
+        """Exchange alternate exchange property persistence test"""
+        broker = self.broker(self.__args(), name="testBroker", expect=EXPECT_EXIT_FAIL)
+        qmf = Qmf(broker)
+        qmf.addExchange("altExch", "direct", durable=True) # Serves as alternate exchange instance
+        qmf.addExchange("testExch", "direct", durable=True, altExchangeName="altExch")
+        broker.kill()
+        broker = self.broker(self.__args(), name="testBroker")
+        qmf = Qmf(broker)
+        try: qmf.addExchange("altExch", "direct", passive=True)
+        except Exception, e: self.fail("Alternate exchange (\"altExch\") instance not recovered: %s" % e)
+        try: qmf.addExchange("testExch", "direct", passive=True)
+        except Exception, e: self.fail("Test exchange (\"testExch\") instance not recovered: %s" % e)
+        self.assertTrue(qmf.queryExchange("testExch", altExchangeName = "altExch"), "Alternate exchange property not found or is incorrect on exchange \"testExch\".")
+    def testQueue(self):
+        """Queue alternate exchange property persistexchangeNamece test"""
+        broker = self.broker(self.__args(), name="testBroker", expect=EXPECT_EXIT_FAIL)
+        qmf = Qmf(broker)
+        qmf.addExchange("altExch", "direct", durable=True) # Serves as alternate exchange instance
+        qmf.addQueue("testQueue", durable=True, altExchangeName="altExch")
+        broker.kill()
+        broker = self.broker(self.__args(), name="testBroker")
+        qmf = Qmf(broker)
+        try: qmf.addExchange("altExch", "direct", passive=True)
+        except Exception, e: self.fail("Alternate exchange (\"altExch\") instance not recovered: %s" % e)
+        try: qmf.addQueue("testQueue", passive=True)
+        except Exception, e: self.fail("Test queue (\"testQueue\") instance not recovered: %s" % e)
+        self.assertTrue(qmf.queryQueue("testQueue", altExchangeName = "altExch"), "Alternate exchange property not found or is incorrect on queue \"testQueue\".")
+class RedeliveredTests(BrokerTest):
+    """
+    Test the behavior of the redelivered flag in the context of persistence
+    """
+    def __args(self):
+        assert BrokerTest.store_lib 
+        return ["--load-module", BrokerTest.store_lib]
+    def testBrokerRecovery(self):
+        """Test that the redelivered flag is set on messages after recovery of broker"""
+        broker = self.broker(self.__args(), name="testAfterRecover", expect=EXPECT_EXIT_FAIL)
+        mc = "xyz"*100
+        m = Message(mc, durable=True)
+        broker.send_message("testQueue", m)
+        broker.kill()
+        broker = self.broker(self.__args(), name="testAfterRecover")
+        rm = broker.get_message("testQueue")
+        self.assertEqual(mc, rm.content)
+        self.assertTrue(rm.redelivered)
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/client_persistence_tests.py
--- store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/client_persistence_tests.py	2009-12-16 19:39:16 UTC (rev 3750)
+++ store/trunk/cpp/tests/new_python_tests/client_persistence_tests.py	2009-12-18 18:07:38 UTC (rev 3751)
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2008 Red Hat, Inc.
-# This file is part of the Qpid async store library msgstore.so.
-# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-# version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# Lesser General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
-# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301
-# USA
-# The GNU Lesser General Public License is available in the file COPYING.
-from qpid.brokertest import *
-from qpid.messaging import Message
-from qmf.console import Session
-class AlternateExchageTests(BrokerTest):
-    """
-    Test the persistence of the Alternate Exchange property for exchanges and queues.
-    """
-    def args(self):
-        assert BrokerTest.store_lib 
-        return ["--load-module", BrokerTest.store_lib]
-    def testExchangeAlternateExchangeProperty(self):
-        """Exchange alternate exchange property persistence test"""
-        brokerName = "TestQueueAlternateExchange"
-        exchangeName = "TestExchange"
-        alternateExchangeName = "TestAlternateExchange"
-        broker = self.broker(self.args(), name=brokerName, expect=EXPECT_EXIT_FAIL)
-        # Use old API until new one can handle these operations
-        connection = broker.connect_old()
-        session = connection.session(str(qpid.datatypes.uuid4()))
-        session.exchange_declare(exchange=alternateExchangeName, type="direct", durable=True)
-        session.exchange_declare(exchange=exchangeName, type="direct", alternate_exchange=alternateExchangeName, durable=True)
-        connection.close()
-        broker.kill()
-        broker = self.broker(self.args(), name=brokerName)
-        connection = broker.connect_old()
-        session = connection.session(str(qpid.datatypes.uuid4()))
-        session.exchange_declare(exchange=alternateExchangeName, type="direct", durable=True, passive=True)
-        session.exchange_declare(exchange=exchangeName, type="direct", durable=True, passive=True)
-        # There is no AMQP support for directly querying exchanges for alternate-exchange (unlike queues)!!,
-        # so use QMF instead.
-        qmfSession = Session()
-        qmfBroker = qmfSession.addBroker("amqp://localhost:%d"%broker.port())
-        exchanges = qmfSession.getObjects(_class="exchange", _package="org.apache.qpid.broker")
-        for e in exchanges:
-            if e.name == exchangeName:
-                altExch = qmfSession.getObjects(_objectId=e.altExchange)
-                alternateExchangeNameProps = altExch[0].getProperties()
-                self.assertEqual(altExch[0].name, alternateExchangeName)
-        connection.close()        
-    def testQueueAlternateExchangeProperty(self):
-        """Queue alternate exchange property persistexchangeNamece test"""
-        brokerName = "TestQueueAlternateExchange"
-        queueName = "TestQueue"
-        alternateExchangeName = "TestAlternateExchange"
-        broker = self.broker(self.args(), name=brokerName, expect=EXPECT_EXIT_FAIL)
-        # Use old API until new one can handle these operations
-        connection = broker.connect_old()
-        session = connection.session(str(qpid.datatypes.uuid4()))
-        session.exchange_declare(exchange=alternateExchangeName, type="direct", durable=True)
-        session.queue_declare(queue=queueName, alternate_exchange=alternateExchangeName, durable=True)
-        connection.close()
-        broker.kill()
-        broker = self.broker(self.args(), name=brokerName)
-        connection = broker.connect_old()
-        session = connection.session(str(qpid.datatypes.uuid4()))
-        session.exchange_declare(exchange=alternateExchangeName, type="direct", durable=True, passive=True)        
-        session.queue_declare(queue=queueName, alternate_exchange=alternateExchangeName, durable=True, passive=True)
-        self.assertEqual(session.queue_query(queue=queueName)["alternate_exchange"], alternateExchangeName)
-        connection.close()        

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