Head up: RichWidgets Agile Boards

Brian Leathem bleathem at gmail.com
Sat Nov 9 12:44:38 EST 2013

On Fri 08 Nov 2013 08:15:11 AM PST, Rodney Russ wrote:
> Any significant difference between waffle.io and Trello? Just curious.

I looked into using trello, as it is by far the most advanced group/task 
management app available.  However it's currently missing the github 
issue integration.  There are some plugins available that duplicate 
information back and forth between Trello and Github issues, but such 
duplication of data is frail and error prone.

Waffle on the OTOH uses github issues itself as it's data store, so 
there is no worry that issues get out of sync.


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