Support for Servlet 3.1

Lukáš Fryč lukas.fryc at
Wed Feb 12 15:39:46 EST 2014

It would be nice to remove one more dependency.

Guava is now built into huge number of project classes,
so it won't be trivial task. Some analysis of how much classes are
involved.. anyone?

On Tue, Feb 11, 2014 at 7:07 PM, Cody Lerum
<richfaces-dev at>wrote:

> This does become a pain point for users as the guava library moves quite
> rapidly. and deprecates/removes quickly.
> That is fine for user code as I can easily refactor, but if I want to use
> a new guava version to get a new features I must occasionally wait for
> Guava to to be upgraded in a Richfaces release.
> Maybe RF shouldn't depend on Guava or at a minimum shouldn't depend on
> anything annotated @Beta as Closables was (
> )
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