Adopting CKEditor 4

Brian Leathem bleathem at
Wed Feb 12 15:40:54 EST 2014

On 14-02-11 06:58 AM, Lukáš Fryč wrote:
> I have evaluated CKEditor in version 4 as we are going to update in
> RichFaces 5.
> The issue is tracked
> here:
> <>

Great stuff Lukas, I look forward to see how this will simplify the
RichFaces codebase.

> Notable additions:
> =============
> * CKEditor now has new inline mode which works with contenteditable
> areas

Very cool!  This will be a popular use case I'm sure!

> The skins known from CKEditor 3 are NOT part of CKEditor 4.
> There is a new Moono skin that is the only one that is bundled with a
> distribution. There is a ported Kama style that isn't part of
> distribution.
> I think we should go with this default option and see whether it poses
> a problem for our users. If they want, they can always attach any
> other skin.

+1.  Let's get the widget incorporated as a first start, and re-visit
skinning of the editor on a 2nd pass (likely post 5.0).
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