RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha4 roadmap

Brian Leathem bleathem at
Tue Feb 25 17:57:11 EST 2014

Hi Guys,

Pavol asked about a release date for RichFaces 5.0.0.Alpha4 at this
morning's meeting.  Given the number of priorities we have to juggle it
is quite difficult to commit to a deadline for the Alpha release. 
Rather we are committing to a fixed feature set for the release.  We
will ship the release when the features are complete. 

These features include:
* An updated editor component (Complete by Lukas Fryc)
* A new showcase (WIP by Lukas Macko)
* An updated DataTable (WIP by Brian Leathem)
* A re-written EPVC (Complete, waiting on a Mojarra release)

Some features that may or not make it depending on whether they are
ready in time:
* An updated select component
* An updated fileUpload component

Additionally a number of bug-fixes will likely land in the release.

I expect these features to be complete within a month, but we can't
commit to this with the number of conflicting priorities that come up.


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