[richfaces-svn-commits] JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r13749 - trunk/ui/inplaceSelect/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit.

richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Tue Apr 21 19:05:53 EDT 2009

Author: nbelaevski
Date: 2009-04-21 19:05:53 -0400 (Tue, 21 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 13749

File indented

Modified: trunk/ui/inplaceSelect/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/InplaceSelectBaseRenderer.java
--- trunk/ui/inplaceSelect/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/InplaceSelectBaseRenderer.java	2009-04-21 22:35:29 UTC (rev 13748)
+++ trunk/ui/inplaceSelect/src/main/java/org/richfaces/renderkit/InplaceSelectBaseRenderer.java	2009-04-21 23:05:53 UTC (rev 13749)
@@ -41,163 +41,163 @@
  * @since 3.2.0	
 public class InplaceSelectBaseRenderer extends ComboBoxBaseRenderer{
-    private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(InplaceSelectBaseRenderer.class);
-    //TODO: move duplicate constants to superclass
-    private static final String RICH_INPLACE_SELECT_CLASSES = "rich-inplace-select-item rich-inplace-select-font";
-    private static final String CONTROLS_FACET = "controls";
-    private static final String EMPTY_DEFAULT_LABEL = "\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0";
-    @Override
-    protected void doDecode(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
-	UIInplaceSelect inplaceSelect = null;
+	private static Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(InplaceSelectBaseRenderer.class);
+	//TODO: move duplicate constants to superclass
+	private static final String RICH_INPLACE_SELECT_CLASSES = "rich-inplace-select-item rich-inplace-select-font";
+	private static final String CONTROLS_FACET = "controls";
+	private static final String EMPTY_DEFAULT_LABEL = "\u00a0\u00a0\u00a0";
-	if (component instanceof UIInplaceSelect) {
-	    inplaceSelect = (UIInplaceSelect) component;
-	} else {
-	    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-		logger.debug("No decoding necessary since the component " + component.getId()
-			+ " is not an instance or a sub class of UIInplaceSelect");
-	    }
-	    return;
+	@Override
+	protected void doDecode(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
+		UIInplaceSelect inplaceSelect = null;
+		if (component instanceof UIInplaceSelect) {
+			inplaceSelect = (UIInplaceSelect) component;
+		} else {
+			if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+				logger.debug("No decoding necessary since the component " + component.getId()
+						+ " is not an instance or a sub class of UIInplaceSelect");
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		String clientId = inplaceSelect.getClientId(context);
+		if (clientId == null) {
+			throw new NullPointerException("component client id is NULL");
+		}
+		if (InputUtils.isDisabled(inplaceSelect) || InputUtils.isReadOnly(inplaceSelect)) {
+			if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
+				logger.debug(("No decoding necessary since the component " + component.getId() + " is disabled"));
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		Map <String,String> request = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
+		String newValue = (String) request.get(clientId);
+		if (newValue != null && newValue.length()!= 0) {
+			inplaceSelect.setSubmittedValue(newValue);
+		} else {
+			inplaceSelect.setSubmittedValue(null);
+		}
-	String clientId = inplaceSelect.getClientId(context);
-	if (clientId == null) {
-	    throw new NullPointerException("component client id is NULL");
-	}
-	if (InputUtils.isDisabled(inplaceSelect) || InputUtils.isReadOnly(inplaceSelect)) {
-	    if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) {
-		logger.debug(("No decoding necessary since the component " + component.getId() + " is disabled"));
-	    }
-	    return;
+	public List<Object> encodeItems(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+		if (!isAcceptableComponent(component)) {
+			return null;
+		}
+		List<Object> parentList = new ArrayList<Object>();
+		List<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>();
+		UIInplaceSelect inplaceSelect = (UIInplaceSelect) component;
+		List<SelectItem> selectItems = SelectUtils.getSelectItems(context, inplaceSelect);
+		for (SelectItem selectItem : selectItems) {
+			String value = getConvertedStringValue(context, inplaceSelect, selectItem.getValue());
+			String label = selectItem.getLabel().trim();
+			labels.add(label);
+			encodeSuggestion(context, inplaceSelect, label, RICH_INPLACE_SELECT_CLASSES);
+			Object[] child = new Object[2]; 
+			child[0] = label;
+			child[1] = value;
+			parentList.add(child);
+		}
+		return parentList;
-	Map <String,String> request = context.getExternalContext().getRequestParameterMap();
-	String newValue = (String) request.get(clientId);
-	if (newValue != null && newValue.length()!= 0) {
-	    inplaceSelect.setSubmittedValue(newValue);
-	} else {
-	    inplaceSelect.setSubmittedValue(null);
-	}
-    }
-    public List<Object> encodeItems(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
+	public String encodeScriptAttributes(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
+		StringBuilder attributes = new StringBuilder();
+		attributes.append("var attributes = ");
-	if (!isAcceptableComponent(component)) {
-	    return null;
+		ScriptOptions options = new ScriptOptions(component);
+		String defaultLabel = (String)component.getAttributes().get("defaultLabel");
+		if (defaultLabel == null || defaultLabel.trim().equals("")) {
+			defaultLabel = EMPTY_DEFAULT_LABEL;
+		}
+		options.addOption("defaultLabel", defaultLabel);
+		options.addOption("showControls");
+		options.addOption("editEvent");
+		options.addOption("verticalPosition", component.getAttributes().get("controlsVerticalPosition"));
+		options.addOption("horizontalPosition", component.getAttributes().get("controlsHorizontalPosition"));
+		options.addOption("inputWidth",component.getAttributes().get("selectWidth") );
+		options.addOption("minInputWidth", component.getAttributes().get("minSelectWidth"));
+		options.addOption("maxInputWidth", component.getAttributes().get("maxSelectWidth") );
+		options.addOption("openOnEdit");
+		options.addOption("showValueInView");
+		options.addOption("closeOnSelect", true);
+		attributes.append(options.toScript());
+		return attributes.toString();
-	List<Object> parentList = new ArrayList<Object>();
-	List<String> labels = new ArrayList<String>();
-	UIInplaceSelect inplaceSelect = (UIInplaceSelect) component;
-	List<SelectItem> selectItems = SelectUtils.getSelectItems(context, inplaceSelect);
-	for (SelectItem selectItem : selectItems) {
-	    String value = getConvertedStringValue(context, inplaceSelect, selectItem.getValue());
-	    String label = selectItem.getLabel().trim();
-	    labels.add(label);
-	    encodeSuggestion(context, inplaceSelect, label, RICH_INPLACE_SELECT_CLASSES);
-	    Object[] child = new Object[2]; 
-	    child[0] = label;
-	    child[1] = value;
-	    parentList.add(child);
+	public void encodeControlsFacet(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException {
+		UIComponent facet = component.getFacet(CONTROLS_FACET);
+		if ((facet != null) && (facet.isRendered())) {
+			renderChild(context, facet);
+		}
-	return parentList;
-    }
-    public String encodeScriptAttributes(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
-    	StringBuilder attributes = new StringBuilder();
-    	attributes.append("var attributes = ");
-    	ScriptOptions options = new ScriptOptions(component);
-    	String defaultLabel = (String)component.getAttributes().get("defaultLabel");
-    	if (defaultLabel == null || defaultLabel.trim().equals("")) {
-	    defaultLabel = EMPTY_DEFAULT_LABEL;
-    	}
-    	options.addOption("defaultLabel", defaultLabel);
-    	options.addOption("showControls");
-    	options.addOption("editEvent");
-    	options.addOption("verticalPosition", component.getAttributes().get("controlsVerticalPosition"));
-    	options.addOption("horizontalPosition", component.getAttributes().get("controlsHorizontalPosition"));
-    	options.addOption("inputWidth",component.getAttributes().get("selectWidth") );
-    	options.addOption("minInputWidth", component.getAttributes().get("minSelectWidth"));
-    	options.addOption("maxInputWidth", component.getAttributes().get("maxSelectWidth") );
-    	options.addOption("openOnEdit");
-    	options.addOption("showValueInView");
-    	options.addOption("closeOnSelect", true);
-    	attributes.append(options.toScript());
-    	return attributes.toString();
-    }
-    public void encodeControlsFacet(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) throws IOException {
-	UIComponent facet = component.getFacet(CONTROLS_FACET);
-	if ((facet != null) && (facet.isRendered())) {
-	    renderChild(context, facet);
+	public boolean isControlsFacetExists(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
+		UIComponent facet = component.getFacet(CONTROLS_FACET);
+		if (facet != null && facet.isRendered()) {
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
-    }
-    public boolean isControlsFacetExists(FacesContext context, UIComponent component) {
-	UIComponent facet = component.getFacet(CONTROLS_FACET);
-	if (facet != null && facet.isRendered()) {
-	    return true;
+	protected Class<? extends UIComponent> getComponentClass() {
+		return UIInplaceSelect.class;
-	return false;
-    }
-    protected Class<? extends UIComponent> getComponentClass() {
-    	return UIInplaceSelect.class;
-    }
-//    public String getSelectedItemLabel(FacesContext context, UIInplaceSelect component) {
-//    String selectedItemLabel = (String)component.getSubmittedValue();
-//    if(selectedItemLabel == null || !component.isValid()) {
-//		Object value = component.getAttributes().get("value");
-//		if (value == null || "".equals(value)) {
-//			selectedItemLabel = createDefaultLabel(component);
-//		} else {
-//			selectedItemLabel = getItemLabel(context, component, value);
-//		}
-//	}
-//	return selectedItemLabel;
-//    }
-    protected String getItemLabel(FacesContext context, UIInplaceSelect component, Object value) {
-	String itemLabel = null;
-	// TODO: SelectUtils.getSelectItems is called minimum twice during encode
-	if(value != null) {
-		List<SelectItem> selectItems = SelectUtils.getSelectItems(context, component);
-		if (!selectItems.isEmpty()) {
-			for (SelectItem item : selectItems) {
-				if (value.equals(item.getValue())) {
-					itemLabel = component.isShowValueInView() ? getConvertedStringValue(context, component, item.getValue()) : item.getLabel();
-					break;
+	//    public String getSelectedItemLabel(FacesContext context, UIInplaceSelect component) {
+	//    String selectedItemLabel = (String)component.getSubmittedValue();
+	//    if(selectedItemLabel == null || !component.isValid()) {
+	//		Object value = component.getAttributes().get("value");
+	//		if (value == null || "".equals(value)) {
+	//			selectedItemLabel = createDefaultLabel(component);
+	//		} else {
+	//			selectedItemLabel = getItemLabel(context, component, value);
+	//		}
+	//	}
+	//	return selectedItemLabel;
+	//    }
+	protected String getItemLabel(FacesContext context, UIInplaceSelect component, Object value) {
+		String itemLabel = null;
+		// TODO: SelectUtils.getSelectItems is called minimum twice during encode
+		if(value != null) {
+			List<SelectItem> selectItems = SelectUtils.getSelectItems(context, component);
+			if (!selectItems.isEmpty()) {
+				for (SelectItem item : selectItems) {
+					if (value.equals(item.getValue())) {
+						itemLabel = component.isShowValueInView() ? getConvertedStringValue(context, component, item.getValue()) : item.getLabel();
+						break;
+					}
+		return itemLabel;
-	return itemLabel;
-    }
-    protected String createDefaultLabel(UIComponent component) {
-	String defaultLabel = (String) component.getAttributes().get("defaultLabel");
-	if (defaultLabel == null || defaultLabel.trim().equals("")) {
-	    defaultLabel = EMPTY_DEFAULT_LABEL;
+	protected String createDefaultLabel(UIComponent component) {
+		String defaultLabel = (String) component.getAttributes().get("defaultLabel");
+		if (defaultLabel == null || defaultLabel.trim().equals("")) {
+			defaultLabel = EMPTY_DEFAULT_LABEL;
+		}
+		return defaultLabel;
-	return defaultLabel;
-    }
-    protected boolean isEmptyDefaultLabel(String defaultLabel) {
-	if (EMPTY_DEFAULT_LABEL.equals(defaultLabel)) {
-    		return true;
-    	}
-    	return false;
-    }
+	protected boolean isEmptyDefaultLabel(String defaultLabel) {
+		if (EMPTY_DEFAULT_LABEL.equals(defaultLabel)) {
+			return true;
+		}
+		return false;
+	}

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