[richfaces-svn-commits] JBoss Rich Faces SVN: r13892 - trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/included.

richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org richfaces-svn-commits at lists.jboss.org
Wed Apr 29 05:09:18 EDT 2009

Author: ochikvina
Date: 2009-04-29 05:09:17 -0400 (Wed, 29 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 13892

https://jira.jboss.org/jira/browse/RF-6582 - adding the description of the tree converters and the example into the 'Details of usage' section.

Modified: trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/included/tree.xml
--- trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/included/tree.xml	2009-04-29 08:22:23 UTC (rev 13891)
+++ trunk/docs/userguide/en/src/main/docbook/included/tree.xml	2009-04-29 09:09:17 UTC (rev 13892)
@@ -46,13 +46,13 @@
                     <title>Creating the Component with a Page Tag</title>
                     <para>There are two ways to set up a tree</para>
-                      <listitem>
-                        <para>Using model (<code>org.richfaces.model.TreeNode</code> or <code>javax.swing.tree.TreeNode</code>)
-                    <para>
-                              <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
-                    </para>
-                    <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
+                              <listitem>
+                                        <para>Using model (<code>org.richfaces.model.TreeNode</code>
+                                                  or <code>javax.swing.tree.TreeNode</code>) </para>
+                                        <para>
+                                                  <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
+                                        </para>
+                                        <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
 <rich:tree value="#{library.data}" var="item" >
     <rich:treeNode  icon="/images/tree/singer.png" >
         <h:outputText value="#{item.name}" />
@@ -61,21 +61,22 @@
-                      </listitem>
-                      <listitem>
-                        <para>
-                        Using model tags <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor&gt;</property></emphasis>, 
-                        <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:treeNodesAdaptor&gt;</property></emphasis>.
-                        </para>
-                        <para>
-                              <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
-	                </para>
-                    <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
+                              </listitem>
+                              <listitem>
+                                        <para> Using model tags <emphasis role="bold">
+                                                  <property>&lt;rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor&gt;</property>
+                                                  </emphasis>, <emphasis role="bold">
+                                                  <property>&lt;rich:treeNodesAdaptor&gt;</property>
+                                                  </emphasis>. </para>
+                                        <para>
+                                                  <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
+                                        </para>
+                                        <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
     <rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor roots="#{fileSystemBean.sourceRoots}" var="item" nodes="#{item.nodes}" />
-                      </listitem>
+                              </listitem>
@@ -89,51 +90,55 @@
 HtmlTree myTree = new HtmlTree();
                     <title>Details of Usage</title>
-	<para>
-		As it has been mentioned
-		<link linkend="tree">above</link>
-		the
-		<emphasis role="bold">
-			<property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> component 
-	                    allows rendering any tree-like data model.
-                    </para>
-                    <para>
-		                You can build  your <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> 
-		                using model (<code>org.richfaces.model.TreeNode</code> or <code>javax.swing.tree.TreeNode</code>).
-		                In this case the <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> component
-		                interacts with data model via <code>&quot;TreeNode&quot;</code> interface 
-(<ulink url="http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/org/richfaces/model/TreeNode.html">
-</ulink>) that is used for the <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> nodes representation.
-		             </para>
-		             <para>
-		             	Actually you can develop and use your own implementation of the <code>&quot;TreeNode&quot;</code> interface or use a
-                        default one, which is defined with a default class <code>&quot;TreeNodeImpl&quot;</code> 
-(<ulink url="http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/org/richfaces/model/TreeNodeImpl.html">
-			     </para>
-		             <para>
-		               	The <emphasis><property>&quot;value&quot;</property></emphasis> attribute 
-		                of the <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> component 
-		                contains a nodes structure defined in a bean property. 
-		              </para>
-		              <para>
-		              	When the <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> component is being rendered 
-		              	it iterates over the model nodes and renders them using one of its <property>immediate</property> 
-		              	<emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:treeNode&gt;</property></emphasis> children. 
-		              	Data property of the current model <code>TreeNode</code> is exposed using 
-		              	<emphasis><property>&quot;var&quot;</property></emphasis> attribute, 
-		              	so if <code>var=&quot;station&quot;</code> you can refer to that data using <code>#{station}</code> syntax. 
-		              </para>	
-		              <para>
-          In the following example the <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> is
-          built from a simple <code>org.richfaces.model.TreeNode</code> model:
-		              </para>
-		              <programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[...
+                    <para> As it has been mentioned <link linkend="tree">above</link> the <emphasis
+                                        role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> component allows rendering any tree-like data model. </para>
+                    <para> You can build your <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> using model (<code>org.richfaces.model.TreeNode</code> or
+                                        <code>javax.swing.tree.TreeNode</code>). In this case the
+                                        <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> component interacts with data model via
+                                        <code>&quot;TreeNode&quot;</code> interface (<ulink
+                                        url="http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/org/richfaces/model/TreeNode.html"
+                                        > org.richfaces.model.TreeNode </ulink>) that is used for
+                              the <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> nodes representation. </para>
+                    <para> Actually you can develop and use your own implementation of the
+                                        <code>&quot;TreeNode&quot;</code> interface or use a
+                              default one, which is defined with a default class
+                                        <code>&quot;TreeNodeImpl&quot;</code> (<ulink
+                                        url="http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/org/richfaces/model/TreeNodeImpl.html"
+                                        > org.richfaces.model.TreeNodeImpl </ulink>). </para>
+                    <para> The <emphasis>
+                                        <property>&quot;value&quot;</property>
+                              </emphasis> attribute of the <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> component contains a nodes structure defined in a bean
+                              property. </para>
+                    <para> When the <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> component is being rendered it iterates over the model
+                              nodes and renders them using one of its <property>immediate</property>
+                              <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:treeNode&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> children. Data property of the current model
+                                        <code>TreeNode</code> is exposed using <emphasis>
+                                        <property>&quot;var&quot;</property>
+                              </emphasis> attribute, so if
+                                        <code>var=&quot;station&quot;</code> you can refer
+                              to that data using <code>#{station}</code> syntax. </para>
+                    <para> In the following example the <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> is built from a simple
+                                        <code>org.richfaces.model.TreeNode</code> model: </para>
+                    <programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[...
 private TreeNodeImpl<String> stationRoot = new TreeNodeImpl<String>();
 private TreeNodeImpl<String> stationNodes = new TreeNodeImpl<String>(); 
 private String[] kickRadioFeed = { "Hall & Oates - Kiss On My List",
@@ -148,48 +153,54 @@
 	stationRoot.addChild(i, child);
-As it is mentioned before you need to pass <code>#{stations.stationNodes}</code> property to the 
-<emphasis><property>&quot;value&quot;</property></emphasis> attribute 
-and define the <emphasis><property>&quot;var&quot;</property></emphasis> attribute in order to refer to the data:     
-<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
+                    <para> As it is mentioned before you need to pass
+                                        <code>#{stations.stationNodes}</code> property to the <emphasis>
+                                        <property>&quot;value&quot;</property>
+                              </emphasis> attribute and define the <emphasis>
+                                        <property>&quot;var&quot;</property>
+                              </emphasis> attribute in order to refer to the data: </para>
+                    <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
 <rich:tree value="#{stations.stationNodes}" var="station">
 		<h:outputText value="#{station}" />
-	This is a result:
-	<title>A simple <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> from a <code>org.richfaces.model.TreeNode</code></title>
-	<mediaobject>
-		<imageobject>
-			<imagedata fileref="images/treeModel.png"/>
-		</imageobject>
-	</mediaobject>
-Implementation of the <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis>  component 
-provides another way to build a tree.
-This approach implies using a <code>&quot;XmlTreeDataBuilder&quot;</code> class
-	(<ulink url="http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc/org/richfaces/component/xml/XmlTreeDataBuilder.html">
-	org.richfaces.component.xml.XmlTreeDataBuilder
-	</ulink>) that allows to transform XML into structures of objects containing <code>&quot;XmlNodeData&quot;</code> 
-	(<ulink url="http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/org/richfaces/component/xml/XmlNodeData.html">
-	org.richfaces.component.xml.XmlNodeData
-	</ulink>) instances as data, which could be represented by the 
-	<emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> component.
-	Let&apos;s try to build a simple <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> from a local XML file.
-	In the following example a simple XML file (stations.xml) is used as a radio station playlist:
- <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
+                    <para> This is a result: </para>
+                    <figure>
+                              <title>A simple <emphasis role="bold">
+                                                  <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                                        </emphasis> from a
+                                        <code>org.richfaces.model.TreeNode</code></title>
+                              <mediaobject>
+                                        <imageobject>
+                                                  <imagedata fileref="images/treeModel.png"/>
+                                        </imageobject>
+                              </mediaobject>
+                    </figure>
+                    <para> Implementation of the <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> component provides another way to build a tree. This
+                              approach implies using a
+                                        <code>&quot;XmlTreeDataBuilder&quot;</code> class
+                                        (<ulink
+                                        url="http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc/org/richfaces/component/xml/XmlTreeDataBuilder.html"
+                                        > org.richfaces.component.xml.XmlTreeDataBuilder </ulink>)
+                              that allows to transform XML into structures of objects containing
+                                        <code>&quot;XmlNodeData&quot;</code> (<ulink
+                                        url="http://labs.jboss.com/file-access/default/members/jbossrichfaces/freezone/docs/apidoc_framework/org/richfaces/component/xml/XmlNodeData.html"
+                                        > org.richfaces.component.xml.XmlNodeData </ulink>)
+                              instances as data, which could be represented by the <emphasis
+                                        role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> component. </para>
+                    <para> Let&apos;s try to build a simple <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> from a local XML file. In the following example a simple
+                              XML file (stations.xml) is used as a radio station playlist: </para>
+                    <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[<?xml version="1.0"?>
 <station name="KickRadio">
 		<feed date="today">
 			<song time="07:00">Hall & Oates - Kiss On My List</song>
@@ -199,21 +210,20 @@
 			<song time="07:15">KC & the Sunshine Band - Give It Up</song>
-	Now you need to create a bean that holds a model nodes:
-<programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[...
+                    <para> Now you need to create a bean that holds a model nodes: </para>
+                    <programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[...
 private TreeNode data;
 FacesContext context = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
 data = XmlTreeDataBuilder.build(new InputSource(getClass().getResourceAsStream("stations.xml")));
-	Finally you should set the <emphasis><property>&quot;value&quot;</property></emphasis> attribute to the 
-	<code>data</code> bean property and define the <emphasis><property>&quot;var&quot;</property></emphasis> attribute in order to 
-	refer to the data of nodes:     
-<programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
+                    <para> Finally you should set the <emphasis>
+                                        <property>&quot;value&quot;</property>
+                              </emphasis> attribute to the <code>data</code> bean property and
+                              define the <emphasis>
+                                        <property>&quot;var&quot;</property>
+                              </emphasis> attribute in order to refer to the data of nodes: </para>
+                    <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
 <rich:tree id="treeXML" value="#{stations.data}" var="vardata">
 		<h:outputText value="#{vardata.attributes['name']}" />
@@ -223,16 +233,18 @@
-	<para>This is a result:</para>
-	<figure>
-		<title>A simple <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property></emphasis> from a local XML file</title>
-		<mediaobject>
-			<imageobject>
-				<imagedata fileref="images/treeXML.png"/>
-			</imageobject>
-		</mediaobject>
-	</figure>
+                    <para>This is a result:</para>
+                    <figure>
+                              <title>A simple <emphasis role="bold">
+                                                  <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                                        </emphasis> from a local XML file</title>
+                              <mediaobject>
+                                        <imageobject>
+                                                  <imagedata fileref="images/treeXML.png"/>
+                                        </imageobject>
+                              </mediaobject>
+                    </figure>
                     <para>It&apos;s possible to define a visual representation of a node data
                               model (to define a node icon) and its behavior in correspondence with
                               the data contained in this node (with a value of the <emphasis>
@@ -250,7 +262,8 @@
                               </emphasis> attribute equal to a value of <emphasis>
-                              </emphasis> is used for node representation. See an example below.</para>
+                              </emphasis> is used for node representation. See an example
+                              below.</para>
                     <para id="example">
                               <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
@@ -310,7 +323,8 @@
                               </emphasis> with <emphasis>
-                              </emphasis> equal to &quot;<code>artist</code>&quot; was used.</para>
+                              </emphasis> equal to &quot;<code>artist</code>&quot; was
+                              used.</para>
                     <para>You can also assign an EL-expression as value of the <emphasis>
                               </emphasis> attribute. See an example below: </para>
@@ -324,7 +338,7 @@
                               </emphasis> attribute usage: you need to define notions for
                                         <property>typeless</property> and a
-                              <property>default</property> nodes. </para>
+                                        <property>default</property> nodes. </para>
                     <para>The <property>typeless node</property> is the first <emphasis role="bold">
@@ -339,7 +353,8 @@
                               for representation when <emphasis>
                               </emphasis> attribute is null.</para>
-                    <para><property>Default node</property> has the following interior presentation:</para>
+                    <para><property>Default node</property> has the following interior
+                              presentation:</para>
                               <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
@@ -391,7 +406,8 @@
                               representation styles for the same node types. In the example with
                               artists and their albums (see <link linkend="example">above</link>)
                               it&apos;s possible to represent albums that are available for sale
-                              and albums that are not available. Please study the example below:</para>
+                              and albums that are not available. Please study the example
+                              below:</para>
                               <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
@@ -453,7 +469,7 @@
                                                   used performing the functionality. Note, that for
                                                   collapse/expand operations an Ajax request is sent
                                                   to the server and it can cause a short
-                                        delay.</para>
+                                                  delay.</para>
                                         <para><code>Server</code> - regular form of submission
@@ -520,8 +536,9 @@
                               </emphasis> etc. </para>
                     <para> Information about the <emphasis>
-                    </emphasis> attribute usage you can find in the 
-                              <link linkend="process"> &quot;Decide what to process&quot; </link> guide section. </para>
+                              </emphasis> attribute usage you can find in the <link
+                                        linkend="process"> &quot;Decide what to
+                                        process&quot; </link> guide section. </para>
@@ -531,23 +548,100 @@
                                         </emphasis> is pending! </para>
-                    <para>
-                              The value of <emphasis>
-                              <property>&quot;rowKeyConverter&quot;</property>
-                              </emphasis>  can be: 
-                    </para>
+                    <para>As it&apos;s mentioned before, the <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> component uses a data model to represent the tree-like
+                              nodes structure on the page. To identify a particular node during a
+                              client request, the model provides a set of unique keys for tree
+                              nodes. The <property>tree</property> can use strings as keys values
+                              which may contain special characters not allowed by browsers, such as
+                              the left angle bracket (&lt;), ampersand (&amp;), ant etc. Thus, to
+                              have a possibility to use unallowed characters in the
+                                        <property>tree</property> nodes, the following converters
+                              are provided: </para>
-                                        <para><code>org.richfaces.TreeRowKeyConverter</code> - it used for the simple tree.</para>
+                                        <para><code>org.richfaces.TreeRowKeyConverter</code> that is
+                                                  used for <property>&quot;TreeNode&quot;</property> based trees.
+                                                  The key should be of a
+                                                  <code>java.lang.String</code> type.</para>
-                                        <para><code>org.richfaces.TreeAdaptorRowKeyConverter</code> used for tree with <emphasis role="bold"><property>&lt;rich:treeNodesAdaptor&gt;</property></emphasis></para>
+                                        <para><code>org.richfaces.TreeAdaptorRowKeyConverter</code>
+                                                  that is used for adaptor-based trees (see
+                                                  <link linkend="rich_treeNodesAdaptor"><emphasis role="bold">
+                                                  <property>&lt;rich:treeNodesAdaptor&gt;</property>
+                                                  </emphasis></link>, <link linkend="rich_recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor"><emphasis role="bold">
+                                                  <property>&lt;rich:recursiveTreeNodesAdaptor&gt;</property>
+                                                  </emphasis></link>). The key should be of a
+                                                  <code>java.lang.String</code> type.</para>
-                                        <para>The <code>org.richfaces.TreeAdaptorIntegerRowKeyConverter</code> converter used for adaptor-based tree for implementing custom converters</para>
+                                        <para><code>org.richfaces.TreeAdaptorIntegerRowKeyConverter</code>
+                                                  which is provided for adaptor-based trees. The key
+                                                  should be of a <code>java.lang.Integer</code>
+                                                  type.</para>
+                    <para>The converters can be extended in order to have a possibility for
+                              implementing custom converters.</para>
+                    <para>To apply a converter to the <emphasis role="bold">
+                                        <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt;</property>
+                              </emphasis> component, you should define it as a value of the <emphasis>
+                                        <property>&quot;rowKeyConverter&quot;</property>
+                              </emphasis> attribute.</para>
+                    <para>Have a look at the example of a tree which contains the RichFaces
+                              components as its nodes and the components attributes as the nodes
+                              child elements. As the components have unallowed characters (&lt;
+                              and &gt;) in their names, the <code>org.richfaces.TreeRowKeyConverter</code> is used here.</para>
+                    <para>
+                              <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
+                    </para>
+                    <programlisting role="XML"><![CDATA[...
+<rich:tree value="#{treeBean.data}" var="node" switchType="ajax"    rowKeyConverter="org.richfaces.TreeRowKeyConverter">
+     <rich:treeNode ajaxSingle="true">
+          <h:outputText value="#{node}"/>
+     </rich:treeNode>
+                    <para>In the example the tree uses the following data model:</para>
+                    <programlisting role="JAVA"><![CDATA[...
+String[ ] components = {"< a4j:ajaxListener >", "< a4j:keepAlive >", "< a4j:actionparam >" };
+String[ ][ ] attributes = {{"type"},
+                                {"ajaxOnly", "beanName"},
+                                {"actionListener", "assignTo", "binding", "converter", "id", "name", "noEscape", "value"}};
+data = new TreeNodeImpl<String>();
+for (int i = 0; i < components.length; i++) {
+     TreeNode<String> child = new TreeNodeImpl<String>();
+     child.setData(components[i]);
+     data.addChild(components[i], child);
+     for (int j = 0; j < attributes[i].length; j++) {
+          TreeNode<String> grandChild = new TreeNodeImpl<String>();
+          grandChild.setData(attributes[i][j]);
+          child.addChild(attributes[i][j], grandChild);
+     }
+                    <para>This is the result:</para>
+                    <figure>
+                              <title>The tree with the <code>org.richfaces.TreeRowKeyConverter</code> usage</title>
+                              <mediaobject>
+                                        <imageobject>
+                                                  <imagedata fileref="images/treeRowKeyConverter.png"/>
+                                        </imageobject>
+                              </mediaobject>
+                    </figure>
           <section id="tsebro" role="updated">
@@ -573,9 +667,8 @@
-                                                  <entry>Element value drag passed into
-                                                  processing after a Drop
-                                                  event</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Element value drag passed into processing
+                                                  after a Drop event</entry>
@@ -584,17 +677,14 @@
-                                                  <entry>Id of a component that is used as
-                                                  a drag pointer during the drag
-                                                  operation</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Id of a component that is used as a drag
+                                                  pointer during the drag operation</entry>
-                                                  <entry>Defines a drag zone type that is
-                                                  used for definition of a
-                                                  dragged element, which can be
-                                                  accepted by a drop
-                                                  zone</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Defines a drag zone type that is used for
+                                                  definition of a dragged element, which can be
+                                                  accepted by a drop zone</entry>
@@ -612,26 +702,23 @@
-                                                  <entry>Element value drop passed into
-                                                  processing after Drop events
-                                                  </entry>
+                                                  <entry>Element value drop passed into processing
+                                                  after Drop events </entry>
-                                                  <entry>A listener that processes a Drop
-                                                  event. </entry>
+                                                  <entry>A listener that processes a Drop event.
+                                                  </entry>
-                                                  <entry>Drag zone names are allowed to be
-                                                  processed with a Drop
-                                                  zone</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Drag zone names are allowed to be processed
+                                                  with a Drop zone</entry>
                                                   <entry>Drag zones names mapping on the
-                                                  corresponding drop zone
-                                                  parameters</entry>
+                                                  corresponding drop zone parameters</entry>
@@ -644,8 +731,7 @@
                               </emphasis> these zones completely correspond to tree nodes. So, all
                               dragging nodes should be marked with <emphasis>
-                              </emphasis> attribute.
-                              Then, to mark zone(-s), where the dragging node
+                              </emphasis> attribute. Then, to mark zone(-s), where the dragging node
                               could be dropped, pass the type of dragging node to the <emphasis>
                               </emphasis> attribute of the drop zone. It would be good to itemize,
@@ -664,14 +750,15 @@
                               </emphasis>. </para>
                     <para> Chapters &quot;<link linkend="ch1">6.40
-                              &lt;dragIndicator&gt;</link>&quot; and &quot;<link
-                                        linkend="dndParam">6.39
-                              &lt;dndParam&gt;</link>&quot; describes how to apply
-                              visual element, that show some additional information (e.g. dragging
-                              item name) while operating with <property>drag-and-drop</property>. </para>
+                                        &lt;dragIndicator&gt;</link>&quot; and
+                                        &quot;<link linkend="dndParam">6.39
+                                        &lt;dndParam&gt;</link>&quot; describes how to
+                              apply visual element, that show some additional information (e.g.
+                              dragging item name) while operating with
+                                        <property>drag-and-drop</property>. </para>
                     <para> Page code, that describes a tree with built in
-                              <property>drag-and-drop</property> in the way it is considered, is
-                              shown below. </para>
+                                        <property>drag-and-drop</property> in the way it is
+                              considered, is shown below. </para>
                               <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
@@ -730,7 +817,7 @@
                                         <para><property>nodeSelectListener</property> is called
                                                   during request sending on a node selecting event
                                                   (if request sending on this event is
-                                        defined)</para>
+                                                  defined)</para>
@@ -788,46 +875,53 @@
                               </emphasis> component capture events occured on any
-                              <property>tree</property> part. But event handlers of
+                                        <property>tree</property> part. But event handlers of
                                         <property>treeNode</property> capture events occured on
                                         <property>treeNode</property> only, except for children
                               events. </para>
-		<section>
-		<title>Facets</title>
-		<table>
-			<title>Facets</title>
-				<tgroup cols="2">
-					<thead>
-						<row>
-							<entry>Facet name</entry>
-							<entry>Description</entry>
-						</row>
-					</thead>
-					<tbody>
-						<row>
-							<entry>icon</entry>
-							<entry>Redefines the icon for node. Related attribute is &quot;icon&quot;</entry>
-						</row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>iconCollapsed</entry>
-							<entry>Redefines the icon for collapsed node. Related attribute is &quot;iconCollapsed&quot;</entry>
-						</row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>iconExpanded</entry>
-							<entry>Redefines the icon for expanded node. Related attribute is &quot;iconExpanded&quot;</entry>
-						</row>
-						<row>
-							<entry>iconLeaf</entry>
-							<entry>Redefines the icon for component leaves. Related attribute is &quot;iconLeaf&quot;</entry>
-						</row>
-					</tbody>
-				</tgroup>
-		</table>
-	</section>
+                    <title>Facets</title>
+                    <table>
+                              <title>Facets</title>
+                              <tgroup cols="2">
+                                        <thead>
+                                                  <row>
+                                                  <entry>Facet name</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Description</entry>
+                                                  </row>
+                                        </thead>
+                                        <tbody>
+                                                  <row>
+                                                  <entry>icon</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Redefines the icon for node. Related
+                                                  attribute is &quot;icon&quot;</entry>
+                                                  </row>
+                                                  <row>
+                                                  <entry>iconCollapsed</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Redefines the icon for collapsed node.
+                                                  Related attribute is
+                                                  &quot;iconCollapsed&quot;</entry>
+                                                  </row>
+                                                  <row>
+                                                  <entry>iconExpanded</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Redefines the icon for expanded node.
+                                                  Related attribute is
+                                                  &quot;iconExpanded&quot;</entry>
+                                                  </row>
+                                                  <row>
+                                                  <entry>iconLeaf</entry>
+                                                  <entry>Redefines the icon for component leaves.
+                                                  Related attribute is
+                                                  &quot;iconLeaf&quot;</entry>
+                                                  </row>
+                                        </tbody>
+                              </tgroup>
+                    </table>
+          </section>
+          <section>
                     <title>Look-and-Feel Customization</title>
                     <para>For skinnability implementation, the components use a <emphasis>
@@ -898,8 +992,7 @@
                                                   <entry>Defines styles for a wrapper
-                                                  &lt;div&gt; element of
-                                                  a tree</entry>
+                                                  &lt;div&gt; element of a tree</entry>
@@ -955,7 +1048,8 @@
                               </emphasis> attribute for <emphasis role="bold">
                                         <property>&lt;rich:tree&gt; </property>
-                              </emphasis> is defined as it&apos;s shown in the example below:</para>
+                              </emphasis> is defined as it&apos;s shown in the example
+                              below:</para>
                               <emphasis role="bold">Example:</emphasis>
@@ -966,7 +1060,8 @@
                     <para>This is a result:</para>
-                              <title>Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass attributes</title>
+                              <title>Redefinition styles with own classes and styleClass
+                                        attributes</title>
                                                   <imagedata fileref="images/tree_oc.png"/>
@@ -983,8 +1078,8 @@
-                                        >On the component LiveDemo page</ulink> you can see the example of <emphasis
-                                        role="bold">
+                                        >On the component LiveDemo page</ulink> you can see the
+                              example of <emphasis role="bold">
                               </emphasis> usage and sources for the given example. </para>
                     <para>How to Expand/Collapse Tree Nodes from code, see in this<ulink

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