[rules-dev] Rule's duration attribute will change rule fire sequence?

jason jason at tahr.net
Sat Aug 4 04:31:23 EDT 2007

When I running TroubleTicketExample in Drools4.0. I make follow change:

1)       comment  "t3.setStatus( "Done" );" and "session.update( ft3, t3 );"
in TroubleTicketExample.java file.

2)       Comment rule "Escalate" and "Done" in TroubleTicket.drl

3)       Change three ". Priority" rule's duration to 1000 , for the
"Platinum Priority" rule need add duration attribute


We know the sequence which Ticket object insert is ABCD, so if no duration
the ". Priority" rule fire and print sequence should be DCBA. But when I
used the duration I found actual sequence change to ADCB. The last A be
changed the first order. Even I use salience specify the sequence to DCBA,
it still run in ADCB sequence. It seems the duration canceled salience
affect, and change the last rule to first fire.


I think it is a bug , is it ?


Jason Wang


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