[rules-dev] Performance of Drools

hare ram hare.bond at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 17:50:31 EDT 2007

Hello everyone,

I have a question regarding the performance of drools. The scenario is
this.I have a huge file. This file is produced by one of the 30 devices we
have in the lab.We have to figure out which of the device produced this file
. Each of the device has a its own "signature line", by which I can
distinguish each of the devices. So, previously what I was doing was,
reading each line in the file,checking if it is the "signature line" for
that device.All this is ordered. So if is my correct device is 30th, I have
to read this huge file 30 times,thus wasting a lot of time

I thought drools might come in handy in this scenario. So I have the rules,
which basically reads a line in the file and asserts into the memory. Each
time a new line is asserted into the memory,the rules for all of the
remaining 30 devices, check if it is its signature line. If so, i have found
out my device and clear the agenda.

But unfortunately i find that parsing the file 30 times id giving me a
better performance then using the drools. Is there something I am missing
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